this is the only micheal bay movie I like because it actually has a story to go with the stupid effects
ОтветитьYou should do one of these on the Will Smith vehicle I-Robot.
Ответитьwhy didnt she fatality him??? WTF
Ответить._. Wow. I never even noticed any of those except for the Xbox. ._. Cuz, ya know, that one was kinda hard to miss. >_>
Ответитьthat movie sucked for other reasons too.
ОтветитьI just watched a video that stated 'The Island' had 35 companies with product placement. Woah, just goes to show how "UNAFFECTED I AM" by product placement cos off the top of my head I could name """"1"""" and that is the Puma shoes and the words "product placement" never even entered my head. Well, it NEVER does and i'm rather proud of that. Knowing that product placing in movies just like adverts don't make me wanna buy those products. :)
ОтветитьThat's one big fucki... OH SHINY!!
ОтветитьOh for the days when people like John Carpenter would make a movie for thirty thousand dollars, and it would be the best god damned movie you'd ever seen...
Ответитьcool xbox 720 gameplay :D lol
ОтветитьI can see what you mean and agree but it still stands that it hasn't an effect on ''me'', I happen to get the best brands of some products simply because they ARE better. And when it comes to clothes ads, it really does have 0% affect on me. I don't even know HALF the brands of my clothes and the ones I know are Asda George, Sainsbury's TU and Tesco's F&F. LOL, I did once have Adidas socks but had them years before even noticing the brand, proof how little I pay attention to brand names. :D
ОтветитьIt probably will ! :)
Ответитьwhere i can get that xbox?
ОтветитьMichael Bay film, with an explosion every 5 seconds xD what stupidness is this?
ОтветитьDid that twat up top applaud product placement, these companies have us by the balls we can't go anywhere without an advert in your face, we've lost choice.
Ответитьyou missed one...on the first budweiser plug, there was also an RC (Royal Crown Cola) thermometer.
ОтветитьYou also see loads of other car brands, such as Chrysler, Hummer, Nissan, Cadillac, BMW, GMC, etc, the list goes on. Its endless.
ОтветитьThat Cadillac placement was very subtle
Ответить"MSN Search...(Still sucks in the future.)" HUAUHAUHAHUAHUAUH !
ОтветитьPlot is a structured, disciplined method of writing a story. Michael Bay's movies do not have plot. They jerk from one ten minute sequence to the next and nothing builds off of anything else. Shiny stuff explodes, which is the cinematic equivalent of jangling keys in front of a baby. But I'll concede that modern phone-addicted "multi-taskers," don't seem to have an attention span past two minutes, so key jangling might be all they can follow. The ads are the content now. Our culture is dead.
Ответитьlol i was spose to write without*
ОтветитьI don't see why product placements are a bad thing. It's just like a professional sports team with sponsors, the brand gets more exposure, and the team gets more money. It's win-win for both sides. Same with movies.
ОтветитьI don't like Michael Bay much, but I do love this movie. The product placement didn't bother me because it went with the premise of the movie.
ОтветитьIn this case I actually liked the Product Placement. It was overt and shamelessly infron of your face, it isn't trying to sneak under your radar. Island still one of my favourite films, most people don't see how darkly complex it is.
ОтветитьLOL, how naive are you, the movie almost turned out as a loss. All that futuristic settings and concepts and action stuff cost a lot of money and resources. Wasn't a big box office success it was only beacuse of product placement the movie was viable. This movie in particular was not normal Michael Bay it's far more intellectual stimulating and actual thought provoking unlike what you are dismissing it for.
ОтветитьOh fuck, stupid me should not of done that, fed the trolls again Phenlandia is a Troll ignore him.
ОтветитьI will buy that yacht
ОтветитьWhen you have to screw with camera angles, awkwardly phrase lines, and put brands in settings they couldn't plausibly exist? That's a problem.
ОтветитьI suddenly feel compelled to buy all of that shit. Especially that yacht, I may purchase two, in-fact.
ОтветитьIt made a lot of sense to me seeing all that, (with the exception of the XBox) because it's what you see every day in America.
ОтветитьI'm sorry, but what's the problem with this? Isn't that how they make money?
ОтветитьI don't think product placement is bad, I just hate how obvious they make it seem. Because in a lot of movies and shows espsically when a character looks inside their fridge or goes to a store, you see a lot brands called "Soda" or have a obvious rip off of a well known brand like "Sprut" (Sprite).
ОтветитьI don't care about the product placement, I just want that yacht
ОтветитьNot only that, but the 'plot' was taken / stolen from two much better movies: THX11384 (1971), and Logan's Run (1976)
ОтветитьLoads of perfect examples of product placement but why is the Wally118 Yacht one? It fits perfectly in a futuristic dream-sequence. And I don't really think a 18 million dollar yacht has the same target-group audience as the rest of those things let alone needs a commercial.
ОтветитьI want to be in this movie.
ОтветитьNah. That's not how you "make money". It's how you satisfy your greed. Slightly different motives.
ОтветитьMSN search in the future ? Oh the irony
ОтветитьApple computer being down? Not surprised
ОтветитьAnd people complained about Man of Steel product placement.
ОтветитьWally 118 yacht
ОтветитьThis guy's movies are a joke.
ОтветитьI confess I appreciate the Wally 118. Where else in my life am I ever going to see something like that?
ОтветитьTag Heuer watch too
ОтветитьJust seen this on tnt and some of these are replaced with fake products
ОтветитьI remember we had to watch this in school while having to do classwork while this movie is being played.
ОтветитьI laughed at the Michelob light one cause it just looked so much like an ad.
Ответитьlmao i just watched this movie today, and i realized there's wayyy too much product placement in it, the most obvious are the PUMA and MSN(now dead lol) scene, thanks for uploading this 14 years ago ben!
ОтветитьClones cant survive on their own, they have break downs and need maintenance often
ОтветитьAnd remember, this is Michael Bay's version of making a SMART movie. Still a ridiculous piece of capitalist propaganda garbage.