FROM Season 3 Episode 7:  Breakdown, Theories and Review

FROM Season 3 Episode 7: Breakdown, Theories and Review

Emmanuel "E-Man" Noisette

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@sufiheart - 08.11.2024 16:52

The body in the cellar kinda looked like he had one eye and a shirt on like one that Jade wears. Find it interesting that we haven't seen Victor's memories of finding his Mom or Eloise and he didn't pull out any of their items from that case. Also, no memory of him finding Christopher.

@Jaharali1 - 08.11.2024 17:15

Here's some extra info on the main characters names and meanings---
It doesn't support any theories but I think most of their names were thought out to fit the characters...

Boyd - (meaning) "Light"

Donna - "Lady, High Ranking/ Lady of the house"

Fatima- "Daughter of the Prophet" and "One who weans the infant"

Tabitha - "gazelle"or "gracious" also biblically linked Tabitha disciple of Jesus known for her charity and kindness

Ethan- Strong, enduring, firm long-lived

Julie - Youthful /childlike innocence

Ellis- "Kind and benevolent"

Victor- "Winner , conqueror"

Elgin- "High minded"

Acosta- (surname) "From the coast" (Maine is the East Coast)

Jim - "Supplanter" one who "Supplants" 😂

Kenny- "Handsome"

Jade- "Precious stone, "Stone of Heaven"

Randal- "Wolf Shield" "Strength or "protection"

Miranda- "Worthy of admiration"

Eloise "Healthy, "Female Warrior" ( she probably still alive fighting to find victor )

Thomas- "Twin or , likeness of another" (fake Thomas on the phone)

Tillie- "To strive or fight" (she was fighting cancer)

(Father) Khatri- "From a warrior class", "dominion" "power"

Sarah "Princess, grace"

Kristi- Follower or christ/ believer ( just a a common name)

Muriel "sea bright" shining see, (like mermaid)..... I don't think her name is supposed to have significant uness she's like chicken of the sea or whatever

@kendragarvais9702 - 08.11.2024 23:05

I totes agree with you - I think Randall is way scared but he's masking it under all that anger and rage. They say people grieve in different ways, I think that's true of being scared too. I've known people to get instantly pissed off when they get scared or hurt. I may be one of those people😅

@foxyrey9492 - 08.11.2024 23:30

This season so soooo bad/boring it pisses me off and the its about to end

@buzzingwithcaryn762 - 09.11.2024 00:19

I don’t think this is the end of Tilly.

@hms84 - 09.11.2024 00:46

Fatima = The town is playing with her, specially that she can’t be pregnant. And everything is just hallucination.

@mrsw2923 - 09.11.2024 02:01

I think it is important that they only ultrasound her uterus. Nothing else in her torso. So no, they do not know that there is nothing inside of Fatima.

@szl5068 - 09.11.2024 03:44

The newbie cop going off on boyde made me want to quit watching the show 😢

@medaherf9462 - 09.11.2024 05:25

That whole community needs to learn the buddy system

@jeffreydommel8211 - 09.11.2024 06:42

The dead body Aldridge found reminds me of the old white man that gave Bode the worms(No Diddy). What do you think ? Aldridge might be concerned for Julie.

@donjuan6522 - 09.11.2024 08:12

These people are just dumb. No one tells anyone of the things that they see. Boyd is a weak leader. People seem to do what they want to do, wander off and come and go as they please. They treat the little boy like he's grown involving him into things that he should be involved into. I've watched the show since the first season and now it's just getting two unrealistic people just don't behave the way they are in this show. Definitely not a Walking Dead

@alexdeatcu8426 - 09.11.2024 12:37

What about the "FROM" sigil?Those letter design sure hint at some spider-legs now that I think of it(that "M" in particular)!

@thehound510 - 09.11.2024 16:31

Post broken Fatima is more likeable. I didn't care for her positive sunshine and lollipops attitude in the first couple of seasons

@aquadragon5055 - 09.11.2024 18:36

Has anyone questioned if somehow Tabitha is Victor's sister Eloise?

@natoshabrown3040 - 09.11.2024 19:23

Subscribed 🎉😂❤

@rachelbetteridge9384 - 09.11.2024 21:11

I not that sold on the theory that everyone has a role to fulfill in the town. Before the Talismans everyone just hid during the night and hoped for the best, and Father Khatri said in the day most people are just so tired and mentally exhausted they don't do much let alone go venturing to find answers, during the day. which would suggest until the talismans no one really had a role, they were just trying to survive.

@rachelbetteridge9384 - 09.11.2024 21:16

Acosta is too much of a wild card. She relies too much on the 'Authority' she thinks she has. I hated when she told Boyd he was doing a shitty job protecting the town. I was like B**ch. You don't know what this Man has done and sacrificed for this town. all you did was turn up, panic and shoot a bystander.

@Iwan2binu - 09.11.2024 21:52

The body in the secret room had one eye socket covered like Jade's visions of the soldier and the dude drinking from the skull. Also, it's dressed as Jade when he arrives at Fromville.

@meh38 - 09.11.2024 22:57

Next episode if Jasper ain't talkin, Victor is breaking out the termites

@rachelbetteridge9384 - 10.11.2024 00:26

What I love about this Channel, and Emmanuel; is the community it has created. Someone can have a theory or an idea, and someone else will be like "ohhh yes i didnt think about that" or someone will say yes, and then add another bit to it. someone else can disagree and say they don't agree because of XYZ, and everyone is just so respectful of each other. Just sharing thoughts, and theories. No Arguing, just thoughtful conversation. And we get to continue our love of the show, the need for answers, and extend our watching pleasure in these reviews and comments. I love it. Thanks FROMaily.

@caitymarie3975 - 10.11.2024 00:53

I think Julie is seeing a big brother/ safe father like figure in Randall. No one in her family knows what she’s been through and she doesn’t have to explain how scared she is to him. He knows

@Gorgeousbaebeauty - 10.11.2024 01:01

New subscriber but i like how yu breaking everything down ❤ can't wait for the next episode

@mekolowery8244 - 10.11.2024 01:46

Randall and Julie - I think walking through that broken arches is like a portal, and it’s something on the other side. That’s why they felt something, he denied it but she vocalized it.

@mekolowery8244 - 10.11.2024 01:46

Randall and Julie - I think walking through that broken arches is like a portal, and it’s something on the other side. That’s why they felt something, he denied it but she vocalized it.

@mekolowery8244 - 10.11.2024 01:47

I’m thinking Acosta has some child issues to make her be a cop and that gun is authority for her… we shall see

@mekolowery8244 - 10.11.2024 01:48

The darkness in Fatima knee talkie would reveal truth, I think and that’s why it killed Tallie

@BigRiverGuitars - 10.11.2024 03:29

“Fresh garden trash salad” hehehehehe

@TrinityFleetwood - 10.11.2024 03:37

I think the body that Elgin found in the cellar looked like Boyd. I can't remember what episode it was but Boyd has a striped button up shirt that looks like the one on the body and he always wears jeans and a belt buckle. If you look at the skull of the body, it has a beard like Boyd's. That's just the impression I got from it.

@Reggied103079 - 10.11.2024 03:46

QUESTION... Has there been anything that proved the monsters CANNOT come out in the daytime?? They never have but is there anything that PROVED they couldn't?

@Leah-izSic - 10.11.2024 03:49

The random sheep sound was just perfect lol

@gennsui - 10.11.2024 09:44

A giant spider? That’s so random

@patricia2007 - 11.11.2024 04:28

“I can’t with this place, and these damn jukebox” 😂

@Ninjassassin - 11.11.2024 21:55

“Acosta, ma’am, who in the blue hell do you think you are” 😂 that was perfect

@Mrs.buildingblackwealth - 12.11.2024 20:46


@AlaskaSoundRecordist - 14.11.2024 02:04

Too many ‘look busy’ background extras. Are people coming and going on their own adventures in background npc fashion, dying, escaping or transforming?

@LauraVerseau - 14.11.2024 23:00

Maybe Elgin is on to something by listening to the ghostly kimono woman. Fatima and Ellis are portrayed as Adam and Eve in pictures around their room in the attic and opening credits. Also, it might be just me, but I feel Tillie was around Fatima, Ellis and Elgin a lot before she was killed.
Didn't Tillie have terminal cancer? Why wasn't she recieving treatment or look frail?

@taltsabar3173 - 16.11.2024 18:10

my theory: Tilly was a good witch the place got ridd of.
Everytime some one in the right direction, the place sends someone or something to make him focuse on something else.
oh, and Fatima will have an inner alien like scene.
That's my guess.

@suzzylouloudougherty5237 - 17.11.2024 08:25

Joker face😂

@jasminet43 - 19.11.2024 17:29

The room is for killing the children for sacrifice

@Thofflerb - 21.11.2024 23:39

Who fixed the Juke box, I thought Kenny broke it?

@Thofflerb - 22.11.2024 00:00

Need a “DJ From” shirt lol 😆

@Rokvet - 26.11.2024 05:37

Tilly was praying for folks and using tarot cards.

@2studmuffin - 27.11.2024 23:24

Acosta....... you're telling me that a cop was scared and feared for her life and shot at everything that moved she played a cop to a T

@sanityshorror - 29.11.2024 03:03

Wait hold up ain't julie like 16-17 and Randall is like 28 💀💀💀💀 wym this might be a ship let alone might get cannoned

@MichaelCDavis1 - 01.12.2024 16:58

What's the age of consent in creepy town?

@pamjam2567 - 08.12.2024 02:50

It was sad her Ellis didn't believe her

@EmansReviews - 03.11.2024 08:39

What did you think about this episode and the ending?
