Hello, I’m Nancy Kowalik, broker/owner of the Nancy Kowalik real estate group here in south jersey, this is 30 things to do in Mullica Hill in 30 days version 2019, we are on day 2, I am here at Farm House Designs on Main street with Hazel Dilsaver. Hi.
This place is one of my favorite shops, has been for years
because hazel manages to find the most amazing things that you can’t live without. And that every time she brings them in, she sells them, she has to redo the store, and I’m always, how do you find things?
What is your philosophy like? What makes it, I know it's you that makes it special, tell me a little more.
I have a warehouse that I get a lot of my furniture from, I also find and rehab pieces, accessories come from all different places, we do a lot of picking, and then I do have companies I order from but I like to
incorporate a lot of antiques and vintage because I like to repurpose more than just keep bringing in, New stuff-product.
Right, that’s what makes it special, because its not stuff you are going to find everywhere.
That is true.
And that’s why you have to come in here on a weekly basis if you want to find the special stuff, because a lot of times by the weekend, you know, shes rearranging, just saying.
So thank you very much for
taking your time today Hazel, I appreciate it. I’m Nancy Kowalik broker/owner of the Nancy Kowalik Real Estate Group. This is 30 things to do in Mullica Hill in 30 days version 2019, day 2.
Make it a great day!
#southjerseyteam, #teamnancyNJ #30thingstodoinmullicahillin30days #farmhousedesign #southjerseyrealestate #mullicahillnj
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