Expanding the narrative #shorts

Expanding the narrative #shorts


3 дня назад

15 Просмотров

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@BerlinTravelApp - 06.12.2013 23:08

Wow, that's a ton of great practical advice, Veronica! Could I possibly download those details as a PDF before I visit? Don't mean to be greedy ...;)

@kannadabond - 06.12.2013 23:25

You should run for mayor of california

@JesseAndMike - 07.12.2013 00:01

Awesome tips!! Great video as always :)

@ElizabethBSoCal - 07.12.2013 01:54

Great tips!

@CaliforniaTravelTips - 07.12.2013 05:18

I've compiled all my favorite California travel tips in this new video. Be sure to "like" and "share" the video so you can reference it later! Enjoy and don't forget to share some of your own tips with us! 

@Learningstationmusic - 07.12.2013 06:04

Great tips! Love them Veronica!! :-)

@RedroomStudios - 10.12.2013 07:59

hey you really know your stuff!  

the only thing that goes counter to my experience is booking flights... we are indeed flying in and out on Wednesdays, but I almost always book 2-3 months in advance when I am able to find a price that works for me.  I have found that waiting till 2-3 weeks before your trip almost always means that many of the fights are sold out and the remaining seat prices are higher. (that just happened to me last month so I had to choose an alternate airline) I booked our flights to LA for March way back in October.  I live in Niagara Falls and we can choose to fly out of Toronto or cross the border and fly out of Buffalo. In this case Buffalo was less than 1/2 price ($355 vs $800 round trip) so we really feel like we scored there!

For me the most important tip on this list is happy hour!  Some of the best times I have had in my travels have been during happy hour!  Hotel Maya in Long Beach in particular comes to mind...

When you said "kids free" at first I thought you meant it was a kid free zone, as in no kids allowed... I was thinking wow, I could really handle that!  no screaming or crying.  but I see it means kids get in free.  well, us grouches can always dream!

@carloscarhtolentino6394 - 17.12.2013 00:27

you'll get to sample signature dishes at top  restaurants for half the price
very good!!!!

@jasonstallings4074 - 17.12.2015 20:52

I am from The Bronx in NYC. I will go out to Cali sooner or later and other states like Texas, Florida, Arizona, Illinois, Washington State, Alaska,
the Caribbean, and London U.K. so much to see out here in this world.

@jasonstallings4074 - 17.12.2015 20:58

I lived in New York all of my life and I only been out to Upstate New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

@jasonstallings4074 - 17.12.2015 21:02

My top u.s states I will visit will Maryland, D.C, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas California, Arizona, Washington State and everywhere else in big ass world lol. Life is too short to be sitting around not doing anything enjoy your life while you can.

@deanwinchester6654 - 15.10.2017 14:28

How's the weather in January and February?

@lailac3077 - 25.11.2017 00:49

I live in California but I’m bored and trying to find something to do😂😂😂

@aynabanii2157 - 05.04.2018 02:14

Hi Veronica, first time viewer here and I loved the tips! We are planning for July and would love to drive north to south for 2 weeks and flying back to Chicago. We aren't interested in the amusement parks. Mostly nature and the beaches!!! Please help me. There is so much and I kmow we may not be camping in the national parks but would love to drive in and experience the beauty! Thank you!

@Rolfadinho - 22.10.2018 04:29

Any tips specifically for visiting mid-March for less than 1 week?

@saifkhan-gl7yy - 27.02.2019 06:09

Tips and tits, wow

@triple7marc - 06.07.2020 12:40

You should have mentioned that with Fast Lane at Knott’s Berry Farm, you don’t have to wait at all for the rides. Disney’s Fast Pass reserves your spot in line, but you still have to wait however long the line would have taken. Knott’s’ Fast Lane lets you cut the entire line instantly without having to wait at all. The cost also changes depending on the day you visit.

@triple7marc - 06.07.2020 12:42

The GO Card is fantastic!! We visited several attractions in SoCal using it.
