Caroline Evans Gets Roasted By A Canvas - Ink Master: Redemption, Season 3

Caroline Evans Gets Roasted By A Canvas - Ink Master: Redemption, Season 3

Ink Master

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@butters3612 - 08.08.2020 02:07

.......🥴..........he, um..........he called his tattoo “extrotious”............😆

@iMac9991 - 08.08.2020 09:24

I didn't really think it was that bad... and it definitely wasn't bad enough to be that mad about

@fallingapart - 08.08.2020 10:26

I’m here in 2020 when all the other comments are from 3 years ago

@Doopooa - 08.08.2020 23:15

Hate that haircut

@IfckedBrian - 09.08.2020 17:35

It was free you fat fuck

@lizzy9106 - 09.08.2020 20:08

It's probably because I'm not a tattoo artist but from an art standpoint... Most of that was fixable. I've seen much worse come out of a free tattoo.

@nataliejulow - 09.08.2020 20:31

This dude sucks oh my god it’s not even that bad and I have a hard time believing he can do any better “skulls and roses are literally the easiest thing” like they’re actually not they’re just the most popular....I don’t know where you’re getting this information because it sure as hell isnt from actually doing it yourself

@Lowwkeycee - 09.08.2020 21:56

Yo he went in on her like he was a judge 😂

@indiajessierocks - 10.08.2020 05:48

He complains that he’s stuck with it for the rest of his life, does he not know that if he hates it that badly coverups and reworks are a thing?

@thornwalker8970 - 10.08.2020 09:59

Dude comes here for a free tattoo in a very taxing competition full of drama, and then is surprised with the tattoo not up to his standards 🤷🏻‍♂️

@jennifer2601 - 10.08.2020 10:11

It’s pretty bad ngl

@kellyr573 - 10.08.2020 19:20

Honestly the tattoo isn’t even that bad. I’ve seen way way worse on here. He was being a little Whiny baby bitch

@chaisel-aw7177 - 11.08.2020 04:30

I don't think a guy with 90's tribal has any room to talk about abominations.

@modaciouslav4792 - 11.08.2020 19:15

It might’ve been a shitty tattoo but he was an asshole

@MahaliahAngel7 - 11.08.2020 23:43

“Skulls and roses are the easiest thing to tattoo”
Ok dick head then pick up the tattoo gun and tattoo some better skulls and roses on yourself.

@keelymartin5914 - 13.08.2020 03:04

maybe he’s so angry because he can’t afford to pay an artist to fill in the lines. At least that’s why I’m assuming he’s this mad over a FREE tatt. Like what do you expect?

@allevafan1 - 13.08.2020 20:26

This guy should also take a chat with his barber.

@Alien_Spores - 13.08.2020 22:31

Remember folks. It's tv

@amandaschilling6133 - 14.08.2020 07:40

For a FREE tattoo its a lot better than anhone would think. And the fact that he just walked in there like "HEY FUCK YOU" like damn you cabt start a conversation First?

@PorkiFerret - 14.08.2020 09:01

Can’t deny the tattoo faded pretty bad, but other than that, everything could be touched up without issue. This guy was a total douche nugget and his lack of sympathy for Caroline and her having a tough time during the competition should have been enough for him to get booted from even getting a second tattoo from her. There’s some artist on this show who do make some pretty bad mistakes and seem unapologetic for them, but then there’s also canvases that expect the artist to grovel at their feet for jot satisfying them with their free tattoo. People like this guy need to lose the ego lol

@TomPark1986 - 14.08.2020 09:42

All it needs is a touchup

@rikki_25 - 15.08.2020 03:09

If a skull and a rose are basic tattooing why would you want that on you. I'm not defending her she sucks but why would you choose such a basic tattoo.

@isabellasmarro9822 - 15.08.2020 18:43

I liked the idea of her tattoo but the outcome was so bad, if she tried for real, it would have looked sick!!!!

@terminaldeity - 15.08.2020 19:44

This dude's full of shit

@jst5028 - 16.08.2020 22:00

That dude is the definition of an attention whore

@Terryterryterryterryterry - 18.08.2020 18:40

Sometimes I think these people wouldn't have a problem with the tattoos if they didn't watch the episodes and see what the judges had to say. Most people would probably not see a problem with that tattoo. Sure, it's no masterpiece. But as someone who doesn't know much about tattoos, I think it's fine. I'm just saying this guy's acting like his life is ruined. Chill, probably no one even notices. If I saw it, I wouldn't give it a second glance. You'd have to be really close to see the imperfections on some of these tattoos.

@SarahKrilow - 19.08.2020 21:51

Dannnng he’s so mean

@pocktgobln - 21.08.2020 05:38

Imagine having a decent tattoo then yall at the artist because you dont think jts that good

@samantha1877 - 10.09.2020 02:24

Abomination... please just a tattoo

@Fluttershy890 - 19.09.2020 00:40

I mean..he could get it removed.

@ngoh2002 - 24.09.2020 14:02

See what you did to me!!! I have to live with this tattoo that i volunteered and for free for the rest of my life!!

@djwillmanofhouse - 24.09.2020 21:13

It's not even that bad she did my eagle and it wasn't bad at all

@Arieswithhydrocephalus - 09.10.2020 01:06

He's an asshat and a half....

@bkalldaybkallday8296 - 09.10.2020 20:56

He is a douche bag

@DDarkness - 15.10.2020 09:00

It looked good before it faded

@SoCaliSurfer13 - 18.10.2020 06:11

How fake is this shit, I swear these people get paid to come back on just to create new drama.

@courtneywycoff3396 - 26.12.2020 20:48

"roses and skulls are the easiest things to tattoo" says who?

@Davian_James - 06.01.2021 18:34

That entry in the second clip was savage!

@younglobwedge - 11.02.2021 10:44


@untappedpotenial9192 - 01.04.2021 19:20

Watch him doing the italian hand gesture while he's talking about how bad his tattoo is 😂😂🤏

@sharkwithfreakinlaserattac5913 - 06.05.2021 16:39

those roses are beautiful

@LordlyUri - 26.07.2021 01:28

its so funny how they get mad about the best tattoo these canvases have on their whole body and it was free

@Hephaestus_God - 08.08.2021 23:43

Worst on ink master is still pretty good compared to most people in the job I assume. (Also I think the tattoo he got is actually better than a lot of the tattoos I have seen on this show)

Looking at the tattoo I actually liked it in terms or art/design. The judges of course will be critiquing every single line work, shading, smallest of mistakes so when you see the episode it will make you think the tattoo is trash.

All in all, I agree with most of the people who come back to complain but I feel like this guy just wanted to complain for fun.

@TheTrickyTwix - 19.09.2021 09:42

That tattoo is honestly very fixable and could benefit a lot from touch ups. He’s just making a scene and is obviously enjoying the attention

@danielcelta2333 - 09.11.2021 20:31

His tattoo looks like it’s blurred

@jesusmendez3552 - 24.03.2022 04:14

It wasn’t even THAT bad lol

@nopandakit8051 - 12.04.2022 04:27

What a jackass! He's just looking for a few more seconds of fame.

@HealingSpectrumIntuition - 19.09.2022 07:00

What a jerk. Big, tatted-up guy screaming at a poor, tiny woman like that…

@zk6954 - 08.04.2023 06:13

douchebag is getting a free tattoo knowing the risks and signing a consent form beforehand. Meanwhile the tattooer is most likely stressed and homesick. I need his head to be fucking here and out of his ass. This guy just needs to stfu honestly. He yells with so much disrespect, acting like he knows shit about tattooing. Desperate for attention much?

@gellertgrindelwald7171 - 24.06.2024 09:33

This guy has no taste when it comes to tattoos. I mean tribal? Really, bud?
