SKYRIM ULTIMATE Leveling Guide (No Glitch) - TESV: Skyrim Special Edition

SKYRIM ULTIMATE Leveling Guide (No Glitch) - TESV: Skyrim Special Edition

Caedo Genesis

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Caedo Genesis
Caedo Genesis - 12.12.2021 00:59

Did you know that...
● You can max Alteration fast by maxing fortification enchantments and fast traveling as you hold an item with Telekinesis?
● You can max Conjuration fast by soul trapping a corpse repeatedly?
● You can max Stealth fast by backstabbing the Greybeards, Ralof, or Shadowmere nonstop?

You might be able to guess how many times all three of these have been commented. These are exploits in my mind, and weren't included because of that. Free training from an ally was something far easier to explain away than these. But I pinned this just in case you wanna use them anyway, do with them what you will!

Ye-Old-Baxter - 20.09.2023 09:44

When Smithing craft bow sand daggers and UPGRADE them... after smithing level 40 you get more xp for upgrading than you do for crafting, Ancient Knowledge and the Notched pickaxe will help greatly for upgrading

Omni Aesthetic
Omni Aesthetic - 19.09.2023 17:42

I love and appreciate this guide. I can’t be the only one that feels that glitching, exploiting, or outright cheating in a game ruins the feelings of authenticity, immersion, challenge, and fun of it. But since leveling skills in Skyrim can sometimes feel like a painful grind, this guide is pretty much essential. Thank you so much.

LINK_STORMCROW@ Team Rock-It - 18.09.2023 22:55


LINK_STORMCROW@ Team Rock-It - 18.09.2023 22:48

The Giants Campsites in Skyrim were most likely that areas first space program. Hit like if you've ever knowingly rushed a giant and got beamed up 🖖😂❔

TheMightyOdin - 17.09.2023 03:47

I’ve legendary maxed the blocking skill 20 times using two giants at once.

Samantha Jansen
Samantha Jansen - 16.09.2023 10:53

Potion recipe recommendation for potion of paralysis: imp stool, canis root. They're cheap, common, and reliable.

Owen Johnson
Owen Johnson - 15.09.2023 10:28

When grinding smithing, I like to go to markarth and loot the Dwemer ruins for all the dwarven metal I can find. 2 dwarven ingots and 1 iron gives you a bow, super easy and valuable

Sean Perrine
Sean Perrine - 12.09.2023 19:37

When you mine ore and it glitches out instead of leaving the mine, equip the pickaxe and swing away.

Anthony Benbow
Anthony Benbow - 08.09.2023 07:29

I’ll never forget the first time a giant hit me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Dalton Crow
Dalton Crow - 05.09.2023 09:51

Not that anybody asked, but if you do the restoration loop to get ridiculously broken potions (i.e. like over a billion value in gold) you can legendary your speech tree then sell it to instantly hit 100 again. I'm working on a build that's dragon free until I've maxed every skill then I speed run my way to dragonborn dlc just so I can use the dogma and gain nothing

Doubting Rich
Doubting Rich - 03.09.2023 02:28

Hint for levelling one- and two-handed: you can use healing hands (or the more powerful one, I can't recall the name) to heal your opponent as you bash his skull in. A lot more hits before he dies!

Spartan227 - 31.08.2023 01:58

i use the unbound storm spell and i fast travel from stendarr's beacon to markarth easy 100 in destruction every time i fast travel

Rawkfist Gaming & Voiceover
Rawkfist Gaming & Voiceover - 30.08.2023 13:56

Speechcraft Selling Made Easy with Mods!

For selling big stacks without having to select only one from the slider, SkyUI is a huge help for that, actually! Set the "Quantity" slider to only appear on stacks of 100 or more, so even with big stacks of a single item, you can sell one at a time without all the extra time spent. And when you're done, you can just go back into the MCM and set it back to the default 6, or whatever you end up wanting.

Michael Lind
Michael Lind - 29.08.2023 21:23

Also, not sure if you know this, and yes also considered an exploit but as your fleeing helgen with whichever faction you choose to flee with, right as you get to the sleeping bear you can level your 1h, 2h, sneak, destruction, pickpocket archery, and any other skill besides armor skills just by using them on the guy fleeing with you. As long as you dont kill him he wont do anything to you. Also, for pickpocketting, you can also gain loads of xp by not only stealing low weight, high cost items, but also returning them to their pockets

Michael Lind
Michael Lind - 29.08.2023 21:19

I'm not sure how effective it is or not but if you stand in the outdoor markarth smithy for some weird logic i can never understand you can gain destruction exp, pairing this with restoration to keep you alive can level both at the same time. Sneaking and using a bound weapon spell, every time you get a sneak attack you will also gain sneak, conjuration, and eithor archery, one handed or 2 handed, depending on the spell used. It works off damage done from what i can tell for both weapon and conjuration xp. While spell costs are low you can do the invisibility spell + litterally any other spell to level sneak, illusion, and any other skill tree at the same time or even pick pocket with invisibility on bandits can level all 3 as well. I usually level sneak, illusion, alteration, restoration and any armor skill trees all at once by having invisibility, any of the armor raising spells from alteration and then switching to a healing spell to heal yourself and when your magika is running low, you cast invisibility and regen it before going again.

David Nevin
David Nevin - 28.08.2023 05:11

So, I came across a glitched legendary dragon. It was stuck in the ground at Dragons tooth crater. Couldn’t die & give up the heart scales, dragon bones & dragon scales. So. If your not gonna die … I abused that to train one handed, two handed & destruction to 100.

Am I a bad guy ?

Phil Jackson
Phil Jackson - 26.08.2023 01:17

Fortifying regen rate on all your gear turns u into an immortal. Fortfying destruction gives u infinite charges then muffle and carry weight on the boot makes u godly. Being a dark elf vampire gives u all the benefits with non of their weaknesses. By far my favorite play through

Phil Jackson
Phil Jackson - 26.08.2023 01:10

Fortify enchantments and resto potion are the best for breaking the game

Phil Jackson
Phil Jackson - 26.08.2023 00:58

U can fast travel to max out alteration faster. Pick up an item with telekinesis then fast travel whilw still holding on to item and after your FT u will have max skill

Phil Jackson
Phil Jackson - 26.08.2023 00:54

Making destruction spells cost zero gives your weapons infinite charges of destruction skills. Even works for dual enchantments. Your second can be ST or banish and still be infinite uses.

Phil Jackson
Phil Jackson - 26.08.2023 00:42

I almost lost my head when i realized u could roll while crouched. I instantly made a stealth lizard and went on a killing spree. The throat slice kill screen was mint

9466 - 24.08.2023 16:14

Nightshade, Hanging Moss, Chaurus Eggs. These are all abundant.

Ronan Ward
Ronan Ward - 23.08.2023 02:36

i never noticed the standing stone charachters in the skill tree screen

TheDezembro - 21.08.2023 05:17

Controller users: When selecting stacks to sell one item at a time, just spam click L1/LB when the "amount" slider pops up. Don't use the D-pad or the analogs to manually go down to 1, just press L1/LB. It will jump to 1.

Andrew Taylor
Andrew Taylor - 20.08.2023 03:46

Farming + alchemy is absolutely broken lmao. Sitting on 80k gold from fortify carry weight potions.

Jay Binks
Jay Binks - 18.08.2023 02:05

Does this guide work with the unofficial Skyrim special edition patch?

Nick G
Nick G - 16.08.2023 02:17

Pro tip: You can wear light and heavy armor. Go to a place like the rat way. Hit someone and they will all attack you. You can use telekinesis on an object and cast heal with your other hand. Leveling 4 things at once.

That's a good way to level up healing to 100, but the fastest way I've found to level up Is to enchant equipment till you have -100% alteration cost. So it costs nothing to cast. Then use telekinesis in one hand and rubber band your controller. Then use detect life in the other hand in a populated area, rubber band that too.
Just legendary it once you get a hundred. Takes a bit over 10 minutes. Get well rested bonus if you can for extra xp and mages stone.
Without the well rested bonus, you could probably set your phone timer to 12 minutes and go reset it. Rinse and repeat.

Woodben18 - 14.08.2023 05:21

You can find the Atherium Wars book in Farengar’s library in dragon screech.

DreamVikings - 13.08.2023 18:54

CONJURATION: Soul trap corpses.

Buggy 707
Buggy 707 - 10.08.2023 21:08

In special edition, there is the Goldenhills Plantation near Rorikstead that has 38 planting plots (plus six if you get the upgrade) and you can plant alchemy ingredients. They will be collected daily by farmhands along with a daily profit; infinite ingredients/potions and money. You get the home through the Unquiet Dead quest started through either visiting the house or through the Bannered Mare

Fray Anaya
Fray Anaya - 09.08.2023 08:53

Ok 2 year old video still I do believe this can help , so you see level 81 character ¿how do you keep leveling up without effort? Rather simple in my case i'd said, enchant some items till you can spam illusion spells without using magicka now assuming much things about your game I'd say that you already have purchased harmony so the way I did this was combine the effect of the guardian stone (mage) and using the Aetherial crown with the power of the lover stone, you can sleep too for an extra bonus to experience gains, now you just need to spam the hell outta the harmony spell I placed my self comfortably enough at the very middle of the market place at whiterun and in a matter of I can exactly recall the time spend but that same day I came with the idea I maxed out that little dark female elf in every skill tree. I just wanted to tipe this sorry if some parts might be confusing this is not my native language and love kiss and all that stuff thank you.

K - 02.08.2023 21:23

Thank you for these guides. I just got Skyrim on the PS5 and it’s like reliving my childhood again. I forgot how fun this game is.

Feral Skelly
Feral Skelly - 30.07.2023 12:28

Oh god the legendary system. I remember the first time I found it out I thought I could make a skill legendary, but keep its level, only leveling it further and thus stronger. This mistake was worse because the skill I decided to legendary was my two handed. I was playing as a barbarian that only used a greatsword. It was not fun after that since I was already pretty high level and was doing negative damage to enemies haha.

Rage Virgo God
Rage Virgo God - 28.07.2023 18:13

Pro Tip: you can cast Soul Trap on a corpse

Edward Marcell Channel
Edward Marcell Channel - 28.07.2023 03:03

I love thee enchanting table. I have armor and weapons that are enchanted and other weapons and armor that still needs enchanting. I also do that with jewelry. I boots and gauntlets that also have capacity of 30 and water breathing boots as my characters personal armor plus a necklace and ring that has water breathing and weight capacity of 30. Since my TV is not working I can't play but once it's starts back working or I can afford a new TV I'll be back in action again

Rawkfist Gaming & Voiceover
Rawkfist Gaming & Voiceover - 27.07.2023 21:43

Dank alchemy recipe: Salmon Roe + Histcarp + Large Antlers

With 100 Alchemy and a full set of +37% gear, but not quite all perks, it gives me:
-> Waterbreathing
-> Damage Stamina Regen
-> Restore Stamina (lol)
-> Fortify Magicka

My specific character's brew of this has a sale value of 4867.

Levius - 21.07.2023 10:27

For leveling up destruction magick quickly (on Anniversary Edition) go to Hob's Fall Cave and get to the Tome Chest there's a spell called Unbound Storms (Expert Level spell that costs 56 Magicka without any adjustments to magicka cost). Anyway, with this spell find two locations SUPER far apart (I use Icewater Jetty and Fallowstone Cave) and cast this spell, hold it, do the compass pause thing (don't let go of the casting until you're on the map) and then fast travel back and forth to these locations.

Bonus: visiting trainers throughout the land can help with leveling up other skills...i use Phinis Gestor for Conjuration (since that is a big one for me). You'll want to use these trainers after every time they'll let you for when you level up (because the Destruction skill goes up a lot, and quickly your character will level up). You'll also have to Legendary a few times if you want to keep going for a while.

rat - 21.07.2023 08:34

Get telekinesis as soon as u can use it to pickup and store skill books if u have special edition get the black books in one of them there is dubble skills from skill books save them till u have your skills in the nighies then read the skill books will help a lot for getting the skills maxed also only use legendary twice for smithing in early game or it's not worth doing because it won't give u much in the way of skill points setting up alteration with enchanting gear ant fast traveling a long way gives u a repeat max fill of alteration which gives u skill points to spend every time very useful

Wahyu Zein
Wahyu Zein - 20.07.2023 07:41

The fastest way to leveling up sneak without exploit is by using raised zombie spell. Kill a low level bandit - raised them with necromancy spell - kill your minion from behind with a blade.

Nanny Oggins
Nanny Oggins - 19.07.2023 00:45

You can lvl up armour skill by standing in the fire jets of traps in the dwarven. strongholds. I always use this method while duel casting healing.

MadangaSego - 18.07.2023 11:23

cast soul catch on your horse to max out conjuration in like 45 minutes

Melanie Biberger
Melanie Biberger - 18.07.2023 00:04

Skyrim somehow doesnt get old. I still play it 12 years later

Ben Fuentes
Ben Fuentes - 13.07.2023 06:54

My go to alchemy grind which is also farmable for when you can get a house especially the anniversary editions farm house. Not a potion for you to use but you can combine Mora Topinella, Scaly philliota, and creeps cluster which is really nice.

Side note for growing it in the perfect ratio so you don’t end up with the extra ingredients cause they arnt helpful you plant 5MT,3SP, and 3CC. ( side note for creeps cluster it’s a pain to harvest due to it layering with the plot itself and not being able to grab it by looking at it directly I recommend putting it in a planter if possible and then looking just above the planter you can grab it easily

Drakkon Darkspell
Drakkon Darkspell - 11.07.2023 23:35

The highest value enchantment to improve rings is Watebreathing. Nothing boosts the value like it. This is also level your Speech when you sell it.

Bob - 11.07.2023 23:20

I’ve learned something new today, I didn’t know that the clouds were shaped like that ig I never really paid attention to it

RovingWind - 10.07.2023 02:18

The Restoration Potion loop isn’t a glitch, it just doesn’t have a hard cap like the the damage reduction from armor.

Brandon Johnson
Brandon Johnson - 08.07.2023 01:07

For conjugation, easiest ive found is casting soul trap on a dead body
