Sam kind of had that kick from Kwon coming. She ran at him with her front wide open. Like how Axel just casually tosses Miguel to the ground to go help her, though lol
Ответитьfinished the last 5 episodes today and it was intense and better than the previous seasons 🔥🔥🔥💯
ОтветитьStill dont get why they all just started fighting.
ОтветитьHey it's like an army war battle
ОтветитьMan this is brutal fight
Ответитьmy favorite part is when gunther knocked out coach roidanov
ОтветитьCan we all just acknowledge that this soundtrack for this brawl was so 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Especially the last 3 minutes so dramatic and evil and elevating
Piss of axel he did not even care
ОтветитьKwon started the fight, but the male sensei of Tiger Strike started the whole brawl. He KOed Gunter and said "Let's go". The Tiger Strike dojo is the worst when it comes to sportsmanship. First, they wanted to win so bad they cheated by using steroids. Second of all, they were the first ones to initiate this brawl. That's why other dojos like Furia de Pantera wanted to help Miyagi-Do fight against Tiger Strike.
ОтветитьMy mom finds this scene so funny and I find this scene so badass and shocking!
ОтветитьI think by the end of the show all the Sensei will be friends and take down the real Cobra Kai the one who trained Kreese and Silver.
ОтветитьEveryone here are just lucky Bert and Nate weren't there to go full super saiyan on all them!
ОтветитьBest fight scene in the entire series
ОтветитьWay better than the school fight end just like that it ends with with a tragic cliffhanger
ОтветитьIf he dies, he dies.
ОтветитьThe writers of this show are AMAZING at telling this story!
ОтветитьWhen I first saw this ending scene I was thinking it was Daniel that was going to get stabbed trying to break up their fight. Didn’t expect that!
ОтветитьImaging season 3 hawk in this it would be hilarious
ОтветитьAfter this Kreese started Koala-Kai
Ответитьaxel just one shots everyone and throws them around like if they were a damn puppet or doll lmao and zara is a fiesty little 5"2 midget lol
ОтветитьFunny part is Kwon died and was the captain of Cobra Kai.
For a moment, Cobra Kai ACTUALLY died.
That was just laughable.
ОтветитьKey mistakes I have spotted:
1. At a karate event, wouldn’t there be a security team? NO security anywhere to intervene in the first place.
2. Is there not even a paramedic team or first aid team?
3. The guy at the end saying ‘cut the feed’. Logically you would cut it when the brawl started???? But no they had to air a huge brawl, kids getting knocked out and even killed!
I love cobra Kai but this ending is kinda stupid
“Cut the feed. Cut the feed!” 20 minutes too late. Now someone has to answer for this.
Ответить“He’s him Nichole’s “ is crazy💀🗣️🔥
ОтветитьNah Kwon, Robbie and Miguel were fighting Jiren here. Home boys couldnt even land one hit on Axel
ОтветитьThat thing what kill is on the deadline
ОтветитьChozen screaming bullshit is so underrated
ОтветитьKwon isnt dead. He'll come back as the cyborg ninja and fight Robby in hand to hand to combat.
ОтветитьIt’s not Cobra Kai without a brawl breaking out 😎
ОтветитьWaiting for Donnie Yen to come on and destroy everyone 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьI love this season 😊
ОтветитьThe Russian Team went nuts all because they decided to cheat and use drugs to fight. This whole brawl started because of the Russian Team.
ОтветитьCoolest scene in the show! Thanks bro for posting
ОтветитьBest scene of the entire series 🔥🔥🔥
Ответитьy'all see where Kwon got stabbed? the same location where Kenny hit Hawk last season. if Kwon came back alive, imagine Kenny went against Kwon and Kenny pulled out the Silver Bullet move on him
ОтветитьAxel vs Kwon seems like world ends fight
ОтветитьThis is the darkest scene in the whole Karate Kid franchise.
ОтветитьThat bullshit got me dying 😂
Ответитьcorrection: sauces
ОтветитьWhat have I learned from Cobra Kai? It's ok for boys to beat up girls, or at least try to 😆