BEST HORROR MOVIES OF THE 70s | 1970 - 1979 Personal Favourites! | Spookyastronauts

BEST HORROR MOVIES OF THE 70s | 1970 - 1979 Personal Favourites! | Spookyastronauts


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Mkvine - 22.09.2023 21:51

Where’s Henry?

Forrest Miller
Forrest Miller - 21.08.2023 12:09

Imo Friday the 13th > The Shining

Lisa Jackson
Lisa Jackson - 10.08.2023 08:08

One of my favorites from 1988 was Wes Craven’s “The Serpent and the Rainbow” - it was a really good list you had - a few I hadn’t seen that I’ve saved on my Roku for later! Thanks!

Saidul Haque
Saidul Haque - 05.08.2023 22:10

very bad taste......childish

Robert Henry
Robert Henry - 12.07.2023 20:42

I can't keep quiet! The snubbing of THE GREATEST horror franchise of the 80s which essentially ruled them Friday the 13th is unbelievable. Even if one hates the cheese HAS to admit the first 3 or 4, especially part II, SHOULD HAVE been on this list. Part II was ten times scarier than 99 percent of the movies on here. Just can't believe they were snubbed entirely. Clearly a list from one not alive during this great time.

Mauveotter ofOverwatch
Mauveotter ofOverwatch - 27.06.2023 08:24

I am So mad for 1988 what about the Blob.

circycle - 19.06.2023 07:01

Curious you didn’t mention Scanners.
But, 1981 was one of the all time best years for horror. You did mention three films from then so….

Richard Falcioni
Richard Falcioni - 13.04.2023 03:29

I can't believe it. You absolutely picked all of my own personal favorites , and I'm 70 years old now.
Count me as a new subscriber!

Alex Sandell
Alex Sandell - 26.03.2023 13:47

I'm a very very depressed person. Diagnosed clinical depression. The last 3 years, I've had 3 out of 4 of my best friends die, my dog was killed by my wife when she (my wife) had a breakdown. I've had numerous health issues - most chronic. And guess what? Your videos make me smile. Your enthusiasm is contagious. I'm so glad I found your channel when I needed it most. I'm just writing this to let you know you're appreciated. Thank you.

Trancymind - 14.02.2023 07:39

There are 3 golden ages in horror cinema to this day. 1920's, 1950's and 1980's. So many great horror movies were made on those decades. Don't feel bad if she didn't mention your favorite horror movie of the 80's because it was the golden age after all. Blob (1988), Tetsuo (1989) very underrated and many more underrated or not mentioned.

Kitters McKittens
Kitters McKittens - 12.02.2023 11:56

An American Werewolf in London is my favorite movie of all time, I’m so happy you mentioned it! I love your channel so much! I have been binging your videos, especially to learn about disturbing movies that I’m too scared to watch, haha.

vitgit's - 10.02.2023 15:16

i would recommend you to watch "Who can kill a child" even tho it's seventies but I think it's a really interesting take on horror :)

Madonna Martin
Madonna Martin - 07.02.2023 09:57

Nightmare on Elm Street 1984 is the best

Glenn Miller
Glenn Miller - 30.01.2023 06:22

Those were some good choices

houndofzoltan - 27.12.2022 15:20

I recently rewatched a lot of movies on that list. Never seen Basket Case though, but I remember seeing the trailer multiple times when I was young watching other videos... they always had trailers, just like in the cinema.

greg kirby
greg kirby - 29.10.2022 08:18

the thing is a sci fi movie...

greg kirby
greg kirby - 29.10.2022 08:18

the burbs.... the squad...night mare on elm street... friday the 13th...sleepaway camp..lost boys...fright night...christine...poltergeist...

Michael Autrey
Michael Autrey - 23.10.2022 14:52

a little surprised Poltergeist is not on this list. i saw Poltergeist at a drive in when i was about eight years old and it scared the crap out of me. also no Fright Night.

Vic James
Vic James - 11.10.2022 02:50

Yes - I loved the Toxic Avenger as a kid. I'll have to check out Pin.

Vance Lubben
Vance Lubben - 19.09.2022 10:32

Can't believe you didn't include Silent Night, Deadly Night

Paul Valentine
Paul Valentine - 17.09.2022 11:14

The Shining is trash.

Bordstein Verbieger
Bordstein Verbieger - 19.08.2022 20:19

The overacting of the parents and the absolute laughable performance of the kid (compare it to for example the kids from The Innocents oder The Florida Project) killed this movie instantly for me. I really liked it back in the days, but as an 41 year old movie lover I'm not willing to waste my time with garbage like that anymore, there are so many better movies around these days.

VulcanDeathGrip - 08.06.2022 20:59

Umm, Poltergeist was 82. I can see Basketcase as the hidden gem, and the Thing is essential viewing, but to not even mention Poltergeist is a crime.

Vlad Zavala
Vlad Zavala - 30.05.2022 23:50

A ver si encuentro esa peli de hace años

Nick 92
Nick 92 - 11.05.2022 15:43

I've watched Night of the creeps just yesterday I was very happy with it especially the end was intense the 80s was the most exciting decade ever hands down and I disagree with your favorite horror movies of the 80s Friday the 13th I also liked the movie 1982 Unhinged.

jessica shelswell
jessica shelswell - 10.05.2022 07:43

I love children of the corn, I love Like all 9 of those films hahaha

Robert Schaefer
Robert Schaefer - 27.04.2022 02:16

An American Werewolf in London.
The Howling.
The Shining.
Friday The 13th.
Nightmare on Elm Street.

T B - 21.04.2022 08:53

For the year 1980, hands down to Canadian’s supernatural “The Changeling”

no mojo
no mojo - 17.04.2022 05:02

Hi Emma. A little over 10 years ago, when my son was 16, we sat and watched Blair Witch which scared the crapolla out of him. We followed it up with Evil Dead... he was laughing! Times have changed I guess 👍😁 Also, I thought Children of the Corn was popular - I'm often wrong so there you go. Cheers. *edit: I'm gonna be that guy. I saw many of your picks upon release 🍿 📽️

David Hernández
David Hernández - 09.04.2022 08:40

I'm with you on The Children of the Corn

Chris McDaniel
Chris McDaniel - 22.01.2022 21:35

The Lost Boys.

Cassie Eischen
Cassie Eischen - 26.12.2021 10:56

You should watch terrorvision its very underated

Cassie Eischen
Cassie Eischen - 26.12.2021 10:54

Great list.. night of the demons.. If you have never seen it's a must

William Coronado
William Coronado - 07.12.2021 03:12

Hi Emma. You have a great taste on films. Don’t listen to the comments of people that don’t know about classics.

Tech Degenerate
Tech Degenerate - 21.11.2021 08:52


may - 13.11.2021 21:10

Has anyone watched the 1987 movie Anguish?

Na C
Na C - 08.11.2021 13:09

Good list, thank you. I would have added The Amityville and Poltergeist

Carl Brogli
Carl Brogli - 31.10.2021 04:16

I'm COMMENT 666!!!!

Erin Flemington
Erin Flemington - 20.10.2021 11:45

You give me hope for the younger generations. ..Good selection

Shy Aluora
Shy Aluora - 19.10.2021 01:08

My kinda girl with mentioning Ghostbusters

Frosta Wings It — Paulina she•her
Frosta Wings It — Paulina she•her - 13.10.2021 01:41

Love this list! Some of my faves are here and I added a few for my TBW! Freddy made it, I can breath now! Ahhaha - and yea, love children of the corn!

SlaughteRed Lamb
SlaughteRed Lamb - 13.09.2021 01:56

Growing up in the 80s one particular movie that me and my brother loved to watch was The Deadly Spawn. Can't beat 80s cheese

Apathist - 11.09.2021 16:56

Are you wearing less makeup here or something? Maybe it’s just the nude eye your face just feels so open and fresh looking? Idk you just oook invigorated lolol different j. Some way

Devon Lashinski
Devon Lashinski - 01.09.2021 08:54

So happy you mentioned The Thing, Basket Case, Evil Dead and Re Animator! Some iv never seen though… Pin, Videodrome and Lair of the White Worm… dang! Way to inspire! I gotta give The Howling my 1981 though!

Really enjoy and appreciate your vids! Keep up the good work. Cheers from Canada!

Elizabeth - 25.08.2021 18:22

Favorite '80s horror films you didn't mention for me would be "Terror Train," "The Company of Wolves," "Return of the Living Dead," "Near Dark," "The Stepfather," "They Live," and "Child's Play." (And if you count "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer" as an Eighties movie, definitely "Henry.")

Elizabeth - 25.08.2021 18:17

"Re-Animator" is a movie I saw at the exact right moment in my life. LOVE IT. And "Killer Klowns from Outer Space" is just a delight.

Elizabeth - 25.08.2021 18:11

Glad to see some love for "Tenebrae." I'm not a huge Argento fan, but this one (to me) is one of his best.

Elizabeth - 25.08.2021 18:10

I love "The Howling" and never got into "American Werewolf in London."

Elizabeth - 25.08.2021 18:09

I think of "Altered States" as more of a science fiction movie than a horror one, but very glad to see some love for it. It is in danger of being forgotten, I think.
