Tales of the Engineers - Engineer Lore Compilation

Tales of the Engineers - Engineer Lore Compilation

SciFi Explained

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@scifiexplained - 07.09.2024 04:49

Some of the Videos used in the compilation are pretty old now, and I've changed my thinking on some of the lore here, especially with Alien Romulus out now. Even so, I still like looking back on how thoughts on the Engineers have changed with time....thanks for watching everyone!!

@danekincade6299 - 08.09.2024 10:23

They need to somehow relate the biomechanical nature of the pathogen/Xenos and the engineers. I like the angels of death comic with them being basically a great filter. Maybe engineers are ones that passed this filter? Engineers Reverse engineering tech of the space jockey? If the xenos are a great filter & can adapt to anything, do they have access to space travel in more higher stages of xeno hive development? I like the idea of David trying to copy a xeno but the engineers could also be doing the same thing? Maybe the xenos are created by engineers & wipe them out then became a angel of death? Also it’s not a bad idea for the xenos just being a species that naturally occurs that is a great filter that is fundamentally a universal direct result of how life is made giving a reason why there is no life found in the universe.

@shawnmiller2182 - 08.09.2024 09:31

The deeper meaning of the franchise is that the humans are the dangerous “aliens”. Humans are the only beings to kill Engineers, Predators, Xenomorphs and other humans. The humans usually trespass and the other species defend against them. The engineers were essentially outsmarted by their own creations, similar to how the Androids eventually outsmart and kill the humans in the franchise. It’s brilliant foreshadowing

@pantagruel42069 - 08.09.2024 08:01

They chose to destroy because they saw what we are. A failure.

@_Y.J - 08.09.2024 06:10

I have a few theories but another theory i like to believe that the different factions of engineers use the bio mechanical technology and the gold goo like a royal jelly to mutate that body into its designated task the bio mechanical side of it genetically changes the body before its exposed to the goo and depending on the amount used can obviously have drastic results on the body hence why we see different kinds of engineers like the mal'kak (probably butchered the spelling) and space jockys. This could further be reinforced by the decon on the wall as it seems likt it could be interpreted as apart of the structure its self like one with the hive which the engineers took inspiration from with the biomechanical technology, and the gold goo is like Royal jelly which the decon used in varying amounts to change other decons into having different roles, like gurad, warrior etc. (thats half of it anyway probably has a few holes but im too tired to edit it)

@MTG77177 - 08.09.2024 03:34

So basically they copy this from the Bible!

@Charles-Darwin - 08.09.2024 02:10

I'd like to hear what you think about raised by wolves being in the same universe

@kasterborous1701 - 07.09.2024 12:13

Who the hell is “Brindley Scott”!?

@_peklo - 07.09.2024 11:23

Hello... :D I don't know if you consider requests like this (and this is my first time finding your channel so you may already do this in other uploads)... but would you consider doing a 'common knowledge / overview' of the main things you are talking about before getting into the video? I don't know anything at all about this franchise, so for example, what an engineer vs alien vs predator is. I just still like watching stuff like this regardless of if I'm already interested in the main subject. I like the video still and subscribed :D
ty if you consider, hope u have a great day~

@gperez805 - 07.09.2024 10:13

Im not in the mood for the engineers and black goo. I just want the alien world that hadnt been altered by ridley scotts ideas

@neuesachlichkeit6919 - 07.09.2024 10:02

Okay sorry, you did go on to broader views. My apologies, and my admiration. Subbed!

@neuesachlichkeit6919 - 07.09.2024 09:59

I once ate sea urchin does that mean I do it all the time? Your logic could use.......some work.

@neuesachlichkeit6919 - 07.09.2024 09:58

Who defines the good versus the bad angels?

@VirtualHolocaust - 07.09.2024 08:46

the thing that looks like a stock is a counter balace notice how hes holding it with one hand

@sonderstudios6675 - 07.09.2024 08:35

IDC what they said they wanted to happen. The engineer in Prometheus was infected with the black goo which is why he is fused with his suit. The people on planet 4 are smaller, have flesh color and eye color. They are different that the ones seen in the beginning. Whatever they had planned doesn't matter, what is shown, is.

@samirhachad643 - 07.09.2024 08:17

Did the "engineer" do what he did when he sacrificed himself, planting the seed of all life on earth or only the seed of humanity?
Whatever the case, there is another unclear matter, life or humans on Earth evolved on Earth until they were able to reach a stage that enabled them to reach the Engineer's homeland, while the latter remained as it was for millions of years

@VikingVern7 - 07.09.2024 05:59

the idea of jesus being an engineer and his death doomed us is retarded. an advanced race sent a lone emissary to a primitive race and didn't expect problems? and that 1 death from fearful dumb monkey people is worth ending a 4 billion-year experiment over. ya illogical.

@thelemonwho - 07.09.2024 04:32

How would a substance that radically changes the DNA of all life only affect humans on Earth?

@whoislucia1 - 07.09.2024 03:44

We absolutely need a spinoff with the story of the engineers. The more philosophical side of the Alien franchise is incredibly intriguing!

@msmarshall854 - 07.09.2024 03:35

MISTAKE: I don't like that we call them 'engineers.' It's a term that connotates mechanical, spiritless, soulless,

@Galactus78 - 07.09.2024 03:23

I’d love to see another “Aliens” style entry with more of an action bent. Maybe put the Colonial Marines up against a group of reawakened Engineers?

@heilong79 - 07.09.2024 03:22

Why did the cave paintings show the Engineers pointing towards a military instalation? it is a messy story that makes no sense if you think about it.

@1dayatAtimeking - 07.09.2024 03:18

Great work 👏

@Handlinmybusiness - 07.09.2024 02:01

great video, I just can't get enough of the engineers!

@LifeDrinker0 - 07.09.2024 01:50

Great video 😊

@divineglitch9550 - 07.09.2024 01:21

what makes more sense is that Epimetheus is the engineer who drinks the black goo on earth and dies and Prometheus is the engineer on his way to earth to evolve the humans who were the mistake Epimetheus created by not making them capable of living properly.

@HiaLeo - 07.09.2024 01:07

I think there are no “bad engineers”. My theory is that there is two groups of engineers, the ones who use the black goo to manipulate life, and possibly their own bodies or dna as the engineer in Prometheus clearly has some sort of mutation causing changes to their bodies, bio-mechanically, as seen in the differences between the 2 engineers in Prometheus. Then there are the ones who don’t participate in the creation or destruction or manipulation of life and live a more civilian lifestyle like we saw in covenant. Planet 4 residents did not know what transpired with the group that was killed off (the engineers in the juggernaut ship by an unexplained action), my guess is the black goo was exposed and made its rounds causing all engineers on the ship to die. That’s why the planet 4 residents don’t seem afraid when David returns in a familiar ship. If rumors and original scripts are to be believed engineers sent an emissary which was killed by humans, therefore the species as a whole probably agreed to the destruction of man. For me it seems they made a miscalculation or mistake rather than some sort of civil war.
And you said the creator confirmed P4 residents to be engineers, which killed my other theory of them not even being full engineers just a more perfect version of their creation. ❤️‍🔥

@chrisval04 - 07.09.2024 00:27

Great video!

@djmystareez5961 - 07.09.2024 00:00

Hello and firstly thank you for your videos. I find them very interesting. I’m actually very glad that Scott took this shift into the lore. I am certain many great films and possibly series will result from them. I find this Alien franchise annoyingly entertaining!

@nodatastored684 - 06.09.2024 23:15

The Xenomorph created the Engineers, who seeded life on Earth as part of a reproduction cycle unknown to humanity,who are not suppose to have anything to do with them

@tylerm1997 - 06.09.2024 23:14

I hope they stay tf away from that whole another universe thing. Like no. Please.

@nosotrosloslobosestamosreg4115 - 06.09.2024 23:04

That franchise ended in "Aliens"
