Detailed tour through a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (as featured on Masters of the Air)

Detailed tour through a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (as featured on Masters of the Air)

Paul Stewart

2 года назад

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Paul Stewart
Paul Stewart - 18.04.2022 05:07

Thanks for watching everyone. Check out my tour through a Lancaster and B-29 to compare the different designs. And I've got a whole lot more videos coming soon... X-15,F-14, B36, B47, B58, VC-137C, first 747/727/737, YF12, F-22 and many others so make sure you have subscribed :)/

j s
j s - 07.11.2023 23:05

In the end an expensive, unfit for purpose design that arguably had little effect and could easily have been replaced by DeHavilland Mosquito fighter/bomber that flew higher, faster and could carry more bombs and return 2 man crews back to base with predictability and security and were way cheaper.

The proponents of so called precision daylight bombing with quite simply off course and off target 99.5% of the time, sad but true. Don't underestimate role of corruption and profits to be made selling these deaths traps to the us army Air force....

But of course, Americans don't like being told, you are doing it wrong, even when it was obvious then and even more obvious now....

Ray Madani
Ray Madani - 31.10.2023 18:26

Amazing walk-around report. thank you

Marcus Degroote
Marcus Degroote - 31.10.2023 07:03

I flew in one of those!

Derek Lucero
Derek Lucero - 29.10.2023 20:17

The B17 is so effing iconic in USA and WW2 history…. Thanks for this video.

Walter Sickinger
Walter Sickinger - 28.10.2023 20:28

You need to distinguish between electric and electronic......the landing gear etc. was operated electrically not electronically.

Eric B.
Eric B. - 24.10.2023 06:36

Interesting that you would waste the time making a video of the fucking WORST US bomber of WW II. 
Better idea, do a video on the poor, heroic bastards forced to fly this POS mission after mission. IT was THS bomber that was responsible for the HUGE loss of American life in the European theater bombing campaign!!

Timothy Ward
Timothy Ward - 22.10.2023 04:12

My granfather was a radio operator on a B-17. Being able to see this video a nd seeing the plane and the area he would have been stationed is great. Thankfully my grandfather came home unlike so many young men

Jim Becker
Jim Becker - 16.10.2023 00:45

Please do additional research on the B-17G propeller system. I am certain the propellers were variable-pitch type that could be "feathered" in the event of engine failure or combat damage.

K Lubinsky
K Lubinsky - 14.10.2023 11:47

My Dad was a gunner in the belly turret. On their 13th mission their B17 was shot up and so was my Dad. Somehow he parachuted out before the plane went down and he landed in a tree in German enemy territory. He came to and villagers were going to shoot him, but German soldiers stopped them and took my Dad to their hospital because he was a Staff Sergeant and they thought he may know some information they could use. At the hospital they operated on his abdomen to remove shrapnel from his intestines. After a lengthy recovery he was taken to Stalag 17 where he remained until the end of the war (Liberation) when the German soldiers marched the war prisoners through the forests to France - surrounding them at while they slept at night. In France they awaited their turn to board ships taking them back to the US.

The only Madmac
The only Madmac - 05.10.2023 23:41

I would rather fly a Me 109. looks more survivable. And a P51 looks like from Star Wars compared with this mechanical monstrosity

Japan Vintage Camera
Japan Vintage Camera - 05.10.2023 07:34

My grandfather called these bombers "flying coffins," and said if you were going to die with your boots on, those boots should be standing on the ground. The attrition rate of aviators was high, to say the least, and it was always a little disconcerting for a 35 year old sergeant to have to salute pilot lieutenants so young that they only had to shave twice a week. The commander of the Enola Gay, Paul Tibbets, who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, was a full colonel at only 29 years old. When my grandfather joined the Army, Tibbets was still in grade school, and in the Army of those days, it might take 10 or 12 years for a private to work his way up to corporal. We can't imagine today what life was like in our grandparents' and great-grandparents' age, and we greatly underestimate their intelligence and courage. When a new factory had to be built to manufacture bombers in Georgia, it took less time to build this plant and have the first bombers airborne than it would take just to get through the construction permit process today.

John Smith
John Smith - 05.10.2023 01:24

My dad flew B-17s, B-24s, B-25s, and a night fighter I don't know the designation for. All my time growing up he would have bad nightmares. I left home at 18 & he was still having them. PBS show said that during the 1st 2 years of the war, the US lost 50% of its planes - every quarter. No wonder Dad had nightmares. BTW while Dad was flying, Mom was a Rosy Riveter working for North American Aviation in Ft. Worth TX. They met after the war. Dad would seldom talk about his experiences but he did tell me about 3 times the B-17 had so much damage they had to bail out once they were where they could, and 1 time when he had to belly land one because it was damaged so much they couldn't get the gear down.

kc66 - 04.10.2023 03:46

Very nice effort! Thank you for the video!

Gumpy 49
Gumpy 49 - 29.09.2023 23:40

It makes a Lancaster look roomy

Юрий Е
Юрий Е - 23.09.2023 18:45

Dude, the video is very interesting! But, by 40$ stabilizer for your camera.

Robert Palma
Robert Palma - 23.09.2023 05:23

Interesting video- loved it

Ian "Mad Gun" Mangham - 22.09.2023 18:52

Fantastic footage, did his homework 👏 🙏🇬🇧💯🤠🤟🇺🇲

Ian "Mad Gun" Mangham - 22.09.2023 18:46

Work of art the B17 😮

Greg Smith
Greg Smith - 22.09.2023 04:18

1200 hp?? that's less than today's hyper CARS

ricardo leyton
ricardo leyton - 22.09.2023 02:20

Cuando veremos MASTER OF THE AIR en nuestras pantallas.??
