330: Winning Through Competitions with Ondřej Chybík

330: Winning Through Competitions with Ondřej Chybík

Business of Architecture

4 года назад

698 Просмотров

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@aeb-architecture9084 - 22.08.2020 12:17

A great interview enjoyable to follow because it tells about life and work experience that you can usually hear only if you are lucky enough to have face to face conversations sitting in a bar. Thanks for these videos.

@travelsizearchitect - 10.09.2020 21:58

This is incredibly inspiring. Thanks for great content and great interviews - big fan of your podcast and what you do! always right questions which I would love to hear answers on!

@akap1533 - 25.04.2021 19:00

Its a great conversation & I think its a great journey with positive attitude. Truly Inspirational. Super Great content
