How to find FILM LOCATIONS on any budget.

How to find FILM LOCATIONS on any budget.

Standard Story Company

3 года назад

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@Ivaniael - 09.06.2021 20:12

The cat was the best part hahahaha love your videos!

@CillitPrang - 10.06.2021 00:06


@HollyHargreaves - 11.06.2021 09:51

I'm in pre production for my first micro budget & need free locations. Timely video, thanks.

@dixoncreates1131 - 11.06.2021 11:36

This is great! Well delivered.

@jayzariel3577 - 13.06.2021 08:46

I don"t have budged for my new music video so I"m looking a house with pool in nyc if somebody knows somebody :)

@StorckStudios - 16.06.2021 05:29

Great tips! I like the idea of finding ways to make your home look different

@mehail7932 - 12.09.2021 22:11

69th llke.

@bigbenhillman74 - 06.10.2021 00:53

These are great ideas!

@YounesCreates - 18.04.2022 07:30

The joke at the end XD

@jerud6861 - 01.06.2022 17:57

I heard dancing cat, immediately fast forwarded to the end, and walked away satisfied. Then I came back and watched the whole video.

@DylColeman - 15.06.2022 16:55

This is awesome. Thanks for the helpful tips. Love your channel btw. Invaluable, no-nonsense info.

@kasperkreeft4426 - 22.06.2022 01:25

Very nice video

@17samalex - 23.06.2022 07:38

When I do rent a motel I never tell them what I'm doing lots of $100-130 cheap in LA I also have been filming in many mountains and forest my films call for that 5 am great time to film no one really bothers you Great tips thanks

@nendu4316 - 27.06.2022 01:36

i would add a green screen as well. It can be quite easy to build photorealistic environments and render them. esspecially if you get 3d assets online, a lot are free

@bramzwingli - 30.06.2022 07:59

I've produced 9 features for under 10k each and I will always try to steal a location if I can

@gmanus1 - 01.07.2022 13:24

Great info fun video Thx

@JayFingers - 03.07.2022 00:51

WHAT?! Film permits are FREE in Riverside County?! 😳😮 This is GREAT knowledge to have. Thank you!!

@VincentStevenStudio - 05.07.2022 08:28

I shot in a hotel once. I went around to different hotels asking if I can shoot and they all said no. After many rejections I decided to just do it anyways. I just checked in a room normally, didnt tell them I was going to film. I invited my "guests" (my two actors) I was Director and DP while my brother helped with the boom. All of it took place inside the room, I never showed the hotel exterior, name or brand so they cant sue me. The scene didnt have any screaming or something alarming, so no risk of cops and I got it done. No questions asked. I also remodeled my living room to look like the interior of a Cabin in the woods while I shot exteriors of an actual cabin in the woods.

@idkanymore790 - 10.07.2022 19:05

i think i lucked out by moving to a small town that has a mayor who is also a filmmaker.

@Met9171 - 10.07.2022 20:20

Yeah if I also want to hang out with girls and getting connections or enjoying my life during filming I may search for location but if it is only about a movie then I'll use my green screen 🤷.Am I wrong?

@Cukito4 - 14.07.2022 03:18

You forgot the last option, Don't use that location in your film.

@timdemoss - 15.07.2022 01:54

After seeing level 3 was "Beg Strangers" I got really curious about how dramatic levels 4-8 were going to be.

@joef240 - 15.07.2022 08:00

I want to know about the raccoon in "Hawaii". That killed me!

@Maddie126 - 20.07.2022 03:32

These videos are so great.

@juicewon - 02.08.2022 01:54

shout out to Riverside!

@mgummelt - 03.08.2022 07:58

One I’ve used: use a virtual set that you can set up and light in Unreal (for free or mostly for free), then either shoot against a greenscreen and composite it in, OR: if you have a large flat screen TV, just record the Unreal footage and play it back on the TV behind your actors (or hook up your PC to the TV and you can adjust the angle live to fit your camera angle for the shot). Be sure to mix in some real foreground elements so it doesn’t look like they’re just standing in front of a screen like a weather reporter. This is the No-budget version of the “Volume” tech they use on “The Mandalorian”. I’ve tried it and it totally works. Obviously this is a bit limiting on how you can interact with the environment, but it works for something like a quick scene in a restaurant or something.

@SchardtCinematic - 08.08.2022 04:52

I might live in Pennsylvania bur alot of major motion pictures have been shot not to far from me. Witness starring Harrison Ford was filmed in Lancaster County in the Amish country. Near a tourist attraction called Kitchen Kettle Village. The street fight scene with the red necks was filmed about 2 blocks away and the country store where he used the phone booth is also only about two blocks away. The Village was filmed over in Chester County along Gosserd rd in a field.

@4CardsMan - 14.08.2022 20:08

I live in a major city where you can film in any public place without a permit.

@BoringVideoCompany - 15.08.2022 00:04

This is hands down the best filmmaking channel I've ever come across. Very little fluff, straight to the point. Appreciate the tips!

@Space_Writer - 31.01.2023 03:16

So funny. So informative. Thanks, buddy. Great performance Kitty.

@mahzi_productions - 24.02.2023 19:58

My biggest issues are:
1.) Most videos talking about no-budget filmmaking, there are still thousands of dollars used. What if I have never had more than 300 dollars to spend on myself at once. Where are any of the TRULY no-budget filmmaking tip videos?
2.) None of the people in my life, none of my friends or family, have any kind of interest in filmmaking, whatsoever. I don't need an entire cast and crew, but what resources save for making an Anti-Romantic/Pro-Filmmaking Tinder and Bumble accounts, can be used to find people who want to be apart of projects or have help for their projects. If I needed any kind of moving shot with a character in it, well it just isn't going to happen. I am but one man

@dangerdelw - 25.02.2023 23:57

Or if you're a Neil Breen fan, just use some green screen lol

@miraclewalkerproductions - 29.05.2023 21:59

I love your videos

@todrapayne - 03.08.2023 08:32

I am currently turning a house we're house sitting into a coffee shop. They said it was okay. And it looks really convincing. Totally free.

@HotBurnCut - 24.08.2023 12:16


@NostalgiNorden - 03.09.2023 23:07

Live in Sweden - Most open locations are free or available to steal easily

@rashhuman - 06.12.2023 01:07

I hire my local community centre for £10 per hour. Using different parts of the big room it’s been a hospital room and an office so far!

@look8844 - 02.05.2024 16:49


@benjaminbjrklund743 - 09.08.2024 13:38

if you dont have a budget, makesure you have TIME. Time equals money in film. if you got a long pre production you can get lots of good locations if you do your research and propose your idea in the right way.

@StandardStoryCo - 09.06.2021 19:08

Shout out to Ben Dockter from last week's comments section for requesting this topic. Drop a comment if there's anything YOU want to learn more about.
