How to Follow the Natural Ear Contour in Facelift Healing

How to Follow the Natural Ear Contour in Facelift Healing

Amiya Prasad, M.D.

55 лет назад

1,437 Просмотров

This lady had a face lift and now has visible scars on her ears. The ear shape has been changed and also one of her ear lobes has been sewn against her face. She asks if this can be improved or fixed.

No matter what type of facelift was done, there must be some type of incisional scar. For the physician, the scar means an area of healing, but for most people the scar is something unsightly.

With the photos the lady submitted, Dr. Amiya Prasad assessed that overall, the incision and healing looks pretty good. With the close-up pictures that she sent, there may be washing out of detail with the flash, but it appears that there's just a little bit of a fold below the opening of the ear. Dr. Prasad suggests that she might benefit from a little skin trimming in that area so that it follows the cartilage. Sometimes he does these types of revisions with his own patients and these little enhancements are always possible.

As far as the earlobe is concerned, in Dr. Prasad's practice, he sees people who get attached earlobes that weren't attached or the earlobes are pulled. These patients come in having had surgery done elsewhere and want to get another opinion. Essentially, earlobes can be addressed after a face lifting procedure is done. Sometimes, the skin regresses a little bit and there's some tugging. Generally, the way Dr. Prasad tucks the skin under the earlobe, in both attached and detached earlobes, this usually isn't an issue.

With scars, Dr. Prasad can show examples of some scars that are very wide and unsightly. A lot of times, those scars can't be revised that easily. Scar revision is sometimes associated with elevating the skin and placing the incisions in a more favorable way. Other times it may be just doing something to camouflage the incisions whether it's to the condition the skin with the use of topical retiniods or something more aggressive like laser treatment.

Dr. Prasad says that based on this woman's photos, there doesn't appear to be a significant amount of unsightly ear scar or facelift scarring. As long as the incision is flat, well camouflaged and it also follows the natural contours of the ear, then it is okay. One must be careful about being aggressive in terms of planning out any type of revision.

More about facelift here:


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