If you’re a ESTJ, I politely ask you don’t come closer.
Ответитьi’m here trying to understand my mom, and work out our relationship.. any tips from feelers who have estj parents?
ОтветитьThere is no ESTJ shadow video. I need an ESTJ shadow video for my shadow type Pinterest board. The ESTJ shadow is an ISTP. PLEASE DO AN ESTJ SHADOW VIDEO!
ОтветитьMike Pence is an ISTJ.
ОтветитьOprah is an ESFJ.
ОтветитьI'm an INFP and my wife is ESTJ. We've been married 15 years. I understand the challenges and fusterations. Once you crack their code that all goes away. Winning them over takes time. It is not by the mind or words but through supporting them on thier endevours. This will earn you trust and open them up. The worst thing you can do is agrue. They will never see eye to eye with you if you argue. Just try it their way first. The best time to share feelings or advice is when they come to you telling you about a problem they cant solve. The more you listen and support them the more they will open up and follow your advice.
ОтветитьUnhealthy Immature ESTJs are bullies and toxic people. ESTJs when they are healthy and mature are good people
ОтветитьAs an ESTJ, this is NOT accurate at all.
What annoys me the most are incompetent people who don't get things done or do not put effort into working with us to solve the problem/complete the work.
Look, I just want to get this done and do the job. If you're not helping or as interested in drilling into the solution with us, it's super annoying. Like, I want your help so we can work on this together, and you're not even trying.
I like working together with people to find the solution. It's more fun and because everyone thinks differently, we can achieve a better solution compared to me just doing it myself. Your input is needed and valued, so I want you to participate, so we can figure out the best possible answer.
There are no bad ideas, just say it and we'll see if it works or not. Just try. People who just sit and don't do anything or don't participate annoy the hell outta me. Im trying my best here and you're not taking this seriously. I just want to get this done.
People who are really negative and reluctant to work really infringe on the work environment. Your attitude isn't appreciated, so get it together and start working or leave. I don't have time for this. I have other things to do, so lets just finish this and move on. Please keep your emotions and opinions away from work. They can cause problems and delays and waste time and energy. I don't mean they are invalid, if you meet me outside of work I would love to have a deep conversation and talk but we are at work trying to finish a project, I don't have time for your emotions.
Also, I frequently complain that everyone around me isn't on my level and is incompetent because they don't understand things the way I do/dont see things the way I do, and I feel like I have to slow down and explain everything.
Ok, I'm scared by how true this is.
Ответить.. I'm probably the only INFJ that can appreciate this personality type 🥴🤷🏽♀️
ОтветитьNeed ADVICE dealing with an ESTJ “friend” who I have known for 20 years. She has said the I and E are close on the scale to the middle so she could be an ISTJ as well. Well, i have been trying to lose her for nearly 15 years but she always keeps coming back around. I am an ISFJ and dont want to be mean to her, but she just doesn’t understand that I really dont like her all that much because I find her controlling and sometimes rude and condescending. So…how do I lose her permanently?
ОтветитьFemale ENTP with an ESTJ boss. OMG..sorry, but I hate this woman with a passion and avoid her as much as possible. Textbook negative traits. Abrasive as hell, says the most cutting, cringe worthy, insulting and outrageous things to others without batting an eye. Absolutely shameless! Emotionally over reactive, manipulative, ( loves guilt tripping, shaming, intimidation ) revolting behavior to ENTPs that see manipulation as a direct insult to our intelligence. Never apologizes for her behaviors but will act in a cloying manner after the fact. Has the sense of humor of a 1000 year old pine cone and the empathy of a rattlesnake. Truly, the most obnoxious person I have ever known in my life!
ОтветитьAs an ESTJ my good friend ESFJ I feel like he exist to help me up when I'm down and he's always so eager to make me smile. My world would burn if he was ever made upset by me or anyone else. He deserves happiness.
ОтветитьKarens: bUt ThAT iS noT a WEakNess!!!
Ответитьim an infp with an estj father 🙂🤝
Ответитьomg, dated an estj man for the first time and it was...a nightmare. all these points are correct. infjs, take note.
ОтветитьThis is surely the unhealthy version of ESTJ?
ОтветитьHard to please
ОтветитьAs an ESTJ person, ouch! ……but, I agree with all the points this video makes. However, because I know these things about me, I make a conscious effort to improve my communication with others. It’s a work in progress.
ОтветитьIm an ENFP and my mom is ESTJ and I'm literally suffering.
ОтветитьDamn I just got into this personality thing and it seems like I am public enemy #1 in these comment sections😂
ОтветитьGetting red pilled wasn’t a too difficult pill to swallow as a ESTJ. And as someone who tried to RP my friends who are complete opposites of me, it would blow my mind as to how they couldn’t see the writing on the wall. We all recently did the personality tests. Learned a lot from that.
ОтветитьIs there any positive to being a/n (male) ESTJ beyond logistical effectiveness? Those people are cursed.
ОтветитьAs an INTP my experience with them concludes they are shittiest type of people I have ever known
ОтветитьThe world would be a better place if we eliminate all ISTJs
-INTP here with a INFJ burst
ESTJs are smart because we worked hard to get that knowledge, so why would we want to be in a fantasy world and think like those who didn't do their homework and are not even making sense?
ОтветитьI must have been raised well cause I only have problems with 3, 5, and 7. Those three arent even that bad for me as I'm not too abrasive as to offend people, instead just enough to get the point across (as far I know) without resistance. I'm actually a very social person and am not on anyone's bad side, I'm actually pretty popular if anything. And when it comes too emotions, I'm not high stung so I really don't have to bottle any up or i just dont feel very strongly. If I do i just let the emotions pass though me in a controlled format through music or work(unless its a good feeling obv). I do have problems when it comes to dealing with other people's emotions and I am working on being able to adapt to others feelings and understand them as not to be too harsh and so I dont end up being misunderstood.
Personally I actually like not having too much emotion because it allowes me to take a step back and I get to have more positive emotions while leaving the negative ones behind. I'm just trying to learn to react and deal with other people's emotions in a way that won't make me come across as a cold person, even if I am not emotionally invested.
Anyway, I dislike the estj hate, but I see where it is coming from because these are all qualities that can be good, but are severely overdone sometimes by estjs. Estjs need to open up and improve on these qualities in a productive way as to lessen the extent of them like I have(I did it unconsciously but whatever). Estjs as well as anyone isn't a bad person unless they are told/know they're bad and they don't try to improve.
istj estj yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ответитьestj ahrd work adn discipline small assignemt nmedium assginemtns and delviry those are my onyl sepcialites. istp intp and istj need to ehl p me the ehavy tasks!!!! tin pwill help me with the hard ktaks sitj will help me withall the ehavy lfiting.
Ответитьenfj have introverted intuttion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ответитьextraverted feeling feeling.
ОтветитьWHEW, Now add Narcissism on top of that, and they are horrible to deal with. Difficult to deal with in the first place. Save Yourselves.
ОтветитьConsiders values as truths
ОтветитьOur eighth weakness is being the most hated MBTI type for unclear reasons.
ОтветитьAs an INFJ. Leave this type alone.
ОтветитьI try to be more emotionally aware bc I have started seeing why coworkers don't talk to me much it's just hard fitting in when you've had a hard life and didn't feel safe sharing emotions and alot of people don't get my sometimes dark sense of humor but im trying to change bc my circle is as dead inside as I am
ОтветитьThis is definitely my dad.
ОтветитьIs this weakness from others perspective or from estj perspective?
As an ESTJ, I see all of these as advantages.
I am always in charge and there's nothing that can flee from my watchful eyes.
Not only I'm proud about it, but even my family members, friends, everyone in my neighborhood, co-workers I've had and everyother person who's somehow connected to me are satisfied too.
it's funny how many estjs in denial are in the comments, lol
ОтветитьESTJ's are not very smart, thinking is not their strength. To be stupid and to decide quickly are not the best combination.
ОтветитьESTJ's are the original bullies of this world, while INFP's are Counselors, Empaths that get mindlessly bullied by ESTJ's. Just quit it already!
ОтветитьI think we are not good at listening. And most of us are not self-aware
ОтветитьInfp here, I have a relative who is one. Somehow I would describe her as a satan in human form. When I lived with her, she is very very arrogant the most arrogant I ever met. She has some superiority complex that she is like above everyone else. She can't take no for an answer and would make people her slave. Her downside apart from always achieving what she wants is that no one really likes to be with her. It's only her husband who stayed with her cause he prob got no choice he got fired and no job , but his face said miserable alot. offcourse his health went down too and eventually passed away. I just can't live with one who has everyday temper issues and would spout alot of nasty things like a demon does, she is so realistic and so in touch with the world it's as if only money makes her has a sense of purpose.
Sorry for ranting, i just really hate that one estj relative.
>implying estjs have strengths
ОтветитьIm an infj with an estj father
ОтветитьThe ESTJ bias there is really wild (I am ESTJ myself and wtf are these comments actually)
ОтветитьWonder if my neurologist worked for a few of these unhealthy ones. He had to do that test out of force his personality type. I’m not surprised.INTJ. He said you don’t want to be around people who constantly increase your seizure activity. My mother-in-law is an unhealthy version of this personality type. When it comes to people like her, he’s pointed out her grandiosity. Called her a seizure trigger. Says people like her hate emotions yet express so much anger they become an emotional contagion themselves. I would say that’s blunt and straightforward and he’s most likely right about it. Hence, why there’s a boundary set up like the Great Wall of China against her. I’ve always felt it but when other people are aware of it, you know you’re not crazy. He’s not the only one who has brought it up either. I can think of 11 other people. Not family members.