Step By Step On How To Can Venison! | How to Can Meat or Fish

Step By Step On How To Can Venison! | How to Can Meat or Fish

Cooking with Shotgun Red

10 лет назад

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@roxanasmith7745 - 05.03.2024 19:31

These are some of my favorite things to eat. But the garlic sauce is something I didn't think to use m thankyou so much and God Bless.

@1mezrahi187 - 24.04.2023 16:44


@laurasmusings1865 - 14.07.2022 02:50

This sounds easy and delicious! It's on my to make list for this weekend!

@beckyhines3814 - 20.12.2021 11:49

Definitely gonna try this. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🎅🤶🎄🥂🎉

@MTTRON - 03.10.2020 23:54

Good stuff girls! Now you both have Red fingernail polish on. 😂 Does that mean Jen Jen is now a Bama fan?! 😂 😎 😁 😜 🏈 PS Bama is playing Texas A&M right now! Roll Tide Roll! 🏈

@gqoniefh - 13.09.2020 06:31

I just started watching the channel again after a couple years.....I've been missing the show and love to learn the dishes....down home goodness.

@KR-sh6rm - 23.04.2020 23:54

I just love all your recipes because they're good home cooking with ingredients I already have on hand. Thank you for sharing another delicious dinner recipe!
