Pulled Pork Recipes

Pulled Pork Recipes

Belqui's Twist

4 года назад

283 Просмотров

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@brendagreen1683 - 04.10.2019 15:16


@shiriamgutierrez5512 - 08.10.2019 03:38

You don't cook it with skin up for chicharrón? I never done the boiling, mine goles straight to the oven. I will have to try IT your way next time. TY for sharing.

@saraswartz4673 - 28.12.2019 21:19

What should the oven temperature be at?

@vicsoto580 - 30.04.2021 01:27

What temperature do you boil it at on electric stove

@jessieladomi1477 - 01.09.2022 20:27

Hi Belkis, going to do pernil your way this weekend. This is one of the few videos I've seen that is super easy to understand. Mine does not shred when I do it😐 and I want it shredded. Think boiling is the key, cause it will soften the meat.

@brendagreen1683 - 04.10.2019 00:49

Fantastic looking pulled pork this will be on my dinner table Sunday the homemade sazon will be my first make using the pork & i must admit along with rice & beans i will call my family over for a fabulous dinner ty so much have a wonderful evening!!!👍👌🔥😋😊
