Demonstrators In Philadelphia Demanding Pennsylvania Fixes Unemployment Benefits System

Demonstrators In Philadelphia Demanding Pennsylvania Fixes Unemployment Benefits System

CBS Philadelphia

3 года назад

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@BigJon410 - 10.03.2021 21:45

Governor Wolf just end the state lockdown against our non essential workers and small bueiness owners. Flordia, Texas, Maryland and Connecticut are laughing at you.

@joshuagilchrist9520 - 10.03.2021 22:07

Fuck unemployment, fix the crime first

@wolfhunter6711 - 10.03.2021 23:39

Your Democrat Governor not doing a good job? Who could have guessed?

@kirkl1057 - 11.03.2021 00:26

This is what happens when Republicans control the state houses. They eliminate the amount of workers handling the claims, thus, causing a backlog with the hope of not to having to pay the tax payers their fair benefits that they are entitled to. .

@ZachariahtheMessiah - 11.03.2021 00:40

Our unemployment system was gutted in 2010

@fredgardner2870 - 11.03.2021 01:29

Same here in new Jersey... our Democrat communist governors r only concerned about illegals

@GumriRN - 11.03.2021 03:39

If Trump was still President, trust me, the same defective machines would be history & decent Hard-Working people wouldn’t be suffering now. Maybe in 2024 you’ll think back & remember your voting stupidity. Democrats talk a good game & NEVER deliver for those who WORK, make America & our area great.

@MottisOWNSYOU - 11.03.2021 15:41

Good luck pa has claimed it over paid me on uc when I made less than 35k in 2011 n I still get bills I refuse to pay

@dirkdiggler5464 - 11.03.2021 19:01

Obviously unemployment is a form of white supremacy just like getting kids back in school. That’s according to liberals.

@jamesbonde253 - 21.08.2021 04:01

Hey aren't there some 9million jobs available in the USA. While I'm sure all the jobs aren't in philly, there must be some. People of philly get off your ucken asses find a job and work your way to financial freedom. As long as the government is sending you a check you BELONG to them. Yall been protesting about rights and equality. Start by getting free financially. Stop the full shite. So many want to be paid but don't want to earn the pay. Get real.
