best books of the year so far

best books of the year so far

Zacks Books

4 месяца назад

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@TheEmeraldSword86 - 20.07.2024 15:12

So far, the best book this year had been Richard Bachman's 'Rage'. Not in the creepy way, but in the booklover way.

@nitaleblanc - 20.07.2024 16:15

My best book so far this year is Adam Plantinga's, The Ascent. An intense ride for a book!

@marcystiff6287 - 20.07.2024 17:52

Oh my goodness, A Boy's Life is one of my all time favorites. Very happy to know you loved it too! Now you need to get Danielle to read it😁
So glad you finally read Summer of Night! The sequel A Winter Haunting is good but has a totally different feel to it.

@CliffsDarkGems - 20.07.2024 22:05

Excellent list! Whalefall is on my tbr. I am planning on reading Lisey's Story next, great to hear a positive review. I really enjoyed Summer of Night but not as much as IT. Boy's Life is absolutely magnificent, in my top ten novels of all time! Agree, probably the best Coming Of Age story I have ever read too. Look forward to your deep dive into the book and love the emotion! Such a wonderful novel I will definitely be re-visiting, masterpiece indeed!

@hogbone7 - 21.07.2024 04:03

See all I heard was that Summer of Night was just like It, and I get why comparisons would be made but the meat of the story, for me, isn't anything like IT

@ainedunne412 - 22.07.2024 23:25

Thanks for the recommendation. Managed to get Boys Life on kindle but Night of Summer had to be special ordered as none of our book shops have access to it in Ireland. Got a second hand one on Amazon for 30e. Expensive but anything that’s a bit like IT is something have to read as IT is my favourite book.

@teaguebates5807 - 02.08.2024 07:10

“Catalogue” is the word you’re looking for
Thanks for the recommends. Love it
