Photo Apps for Artists - Tools For Artists AMA w Phil Starke

Photo Apps for Artists - Tools For Artists AMA w Phil Starke

Carl Olson TV

4 года назад

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@lucillefemine2339 - 17.08.2020 20:35

How much do you pay for squarespace? Less than $40?

@gbranniganart - 10.09.2020 15:58

Carl, I usually listen to your podcast on my phone app as I do my morning and evening walks. On this one, I discovered at the end that there was a video of the podcast, so I watched it too when I returned home. I enjoy your podcasts so much, I am always learning more about my craft listening to you and your guests. And of course, I learn more about techniques and styles that these different artists use; things I never thought about using, such as Cunningham's use of metal as a structure. Very interesting podcast. You always ask the right questions!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

@gbranniganart - 10.09.2020 16:14

PS to add to my prior comment.. I loved being able to SEE the paintings of Cunningham. Such a treat, as they are BEAUTIFUL paintings. Thanks for adding them to this video podcast.

@gaelhillyardcreative - 18.03.2021 17:29

I love these podcasts; they are so inspirational and informative.

@jamieelder7438 - 01.05.2021 04:32

TJ is my favorite artist. I aspire to be as good as him.
