New AI Video Update Generates MOVIES

New AI Video Update Generates MOVIES


4 месяца назад

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@InfoRanker - 26.11.2024 05:06

No image to video option even?

@Rya_the_jaded_tenno - 26.11.2024 10:03

I like how you went with a stoic video for the example lol I find myself diving deep in that practice for hours on YT shorts lol otherwise very good video. Very informative

@rjserrett5836 - 26.11.2024 20:05

Who owns the results and can we make money off the movies?

@shaneannconnell8022 - 27.11.2024 02:03

Difficult to get onto at the moment

@emdafastudios - 27.11.2024 05:08

Great technology but very expensive. Whaooo how can people afford it.

@AiFinanceChannel - 27.11.2024 07:55

it honestly looks great but the price range is absolutely absurd!

@AIForWinner - 28.11.2024 07:57

Amazing software! InVideo AI V3 truly offers a professional and effortless video creation experience, suitable for everyone

@PeterSchw - 28.11.2024 09:17

Synapsenzombie generated this horrible synapsenzombie crap? I'd rather hide it than boast about such horrible garbage.

@timothy8eight263 - 28.11.2024 09:42

$1152 billed yearly.

@kngemeral - 28.11.2024 19:19

"And they Lost "😂

@sazerov - 28.11.2024 20:33

it's ass boyz don't waste ur money

@cnxexpat1862 - 28.11.2024 22:17

I wrote 2 very detailed prompts for videos and the result was not even close to my ideas. Completely useless and expensive.

@bweduwabango2064 - 29.11.2024 00:33

As soon as it does 2hour long videos I'll try it. I don't really see the use of making a 30sec video of a video I can't generate.

@alansmithgeorge1626 - 29.11.2024 01:10

aliens build pyramid lol 😂

@waltdafak - 29.11.2024 18:53

Bruh, this is soooooo expensive.

@markgalveston604 - 30.11.2024 18:31

Too expensive but cool 😎

@Notes2Embolden - 30.11.2024 23:23

Wow! This would be an incredible time saver.

@MikeB-e9k - 01.12.2024 13:21

This is a fascinating tool, and I can see a lot of potential with it; especially if they allow you to use images and 3D models you've created yourself (such as making a space ship in Blender and uploading it).

But... I'm sorry, but the price for generative minutes is likely going to kxll this company.
No one except a few in comparison to everyone else is going to fork out nearly a hundred dollars per month for fifteen minutes.
To be blunt? Drop the prices or increase the minutes to something far, far more than what's currently offered, or this is going to collapse.

@AngryBrother360 - 01.12.2024 20:50

No ..the real history is that the pyramids were built by the local skilled tradesmen!.💯🤡

@paulsiemms - 02.12.2024 04:24

Your AI program feels like a waste of time. When will someone create a business model that actually makes sense? Most of these tools don't work as advertised, and it's frustrating that you can't even try them properly without committing to a paid plan.

Consider offering a truly free, one-month trial with unlimited use. This would let people genuinely test what they can create and determine if the tool is worth the investment. If it works, you'll get real business; otherwise, you're just losing potential customers.

On to the next AI program—this one doesn't cut it.

@subswithoutvids-dw6dv - 02.12.2024 12:02

Invideo is good for making videos for children.

@TheMediaMachine - 04.12.2024 00:45

Tried it and I did everything from prompt, style etc and it said "to do this trailer it needs addictional credits," tricks you to lead you to pay $55 a month." Meh, if I can;t see what I am getting fully, no point. If you don't think your product is good enough the way Leondaro A.I did and Midjourney did, which I am now a fully paid customer, then don't bother tricking people. Plus pricing is over blow. They should stop wasting our time filling prompt and all kinds of detail and even wanting our email address to even date of birth, to then tell us "oh can't show you it because it needs more credits so sign up for $55 which I think is a month. I'd pay but I need to use all the functions, see what it can do for even a week or two.

@DarkStoneCastle - 04.12.2024 01:21

I would like to try this but way too expensive. Just rendering one UNDER 10 min movie using 'generative' basically equates to around $80. Can't afford that.

@dwainmorris7854 - 04.12.2024 03:35

None of these are really movies they're just 1980 style photo montages with voice overs

@MadDadWorld - 04.12.2024 09:26

the amount of shit that marketers and entrepreneurs are going to be pumping out polluting the digital space with useless repetitive crap is going to have bigger impact at human mental health and climate change than any other man-made or natural disaster

@Dreamscupltor - 04.12.2024 20:14

The most frustrating thing is not being able to get my money back. They denied both my refund attempts. I was considering an upgrade but when I saw the price I decided to cancel my subscription. Maybe when the price comes down but now? No give me my money back 😂

@СКАЗКИ.ИИ - 05.12.2024 15:44

too expensive, no actual free trial - very disappointed about this recommendation

@kornelthunderbolt9962 - 06.12.2024 14:48

another great tool, reminds me a lot of hailuo, which i discovered thanks to your channel too and i am very happy with. amazing AI tools.

@Graneth1 - 06.12.2024 20:44

Why exactly did you try the russian language and not Ukrainian ...?

@marklola12 - 06.12.2024 22:30

The days of the dumb high prices will be gone in a years time when it will all be free.

Like with AI image generators...adobes firefly is free and for me superior to others ive tried

@usman710 - 07.12.2024 20:58

Generates videos from database

@crumply - 08.12.2024 03:41

I don't think you know what a "movie" is

@piligrimglobal - 09.12.2024 00:11

The future has already arrived:))) It is possible to generate just incredible footage.But I'm hoping it will get even better in the next few months.
Thank you.

@rattybee9831 - 13.12.2024 17:31

How to get the watermark out of

@purvislewies3118 - 17.12.2024 06:12

blessed it love it...

@theRealestBarbieD - 17.12.2024 23:42

i tried it for the $35/mo and iwas only able to create ONE 60 sec video that i did not even like.. SMH

@darianthompson5975 - 18.12.2024 02:24

Marvel's kang dynasty written movie was just released. Can you run it through with added images of the characters to make a complete movie?

@GregFliesVR - 19.12.2024 01:35

It missed Pluto.

@joshuazeigler1310 - 19.12.2024 02:07

I actually got really interested in the story and forgot I was watching this video lol

@NightmareNotebook - 27.12.2024 08:48

Can u use to create 5-10min videos?

@90minet - 27.12.2024 17:20

Hhhhhhhhh. The Egyptian pharaoh built the pyramids. Not aliens

@Makaveli06 - 31.12.2024 07:55

aliens built Egypt a racist person without any culture would say egypt in afrika smart guy don't let ai feed u false information even ya cave ancestors know that

@rongreen4536 - 31.12.2024 08:50

I'm sorry but the last time I watched a movie it was longer than 1.5 min.

@Revelation12v17 - 02.01.2025 09:58

“Yeah, I use the $100 a month package” ….. Yeah right. Thief pricing. I’ll skip thanks.

@sunburnfm - 08.01.2025 22:57

Unlimited plan, only, otherwise it's too expensive.

@LakenStarMedia - 10.01.2025 14:27

Ive had far better results with Hailou and Kling. Glad to see Video ai finally stepped their game up but still ripping westerns off...

@5BReiningHorses - 11.01.2025 02:26

The problem with the pricing model using credits is that a lot of generations are not useable.

Your credits are just as spent and gone if you get a great generation or one that's trash. If you want to throw a prompt in, have it generate whatever, then slap it up onto the web, then I guess you're good to go. But if you want a quality, well-refined product, then you are forced to waste a ton of credits on bad/unacceptable generation. If they charged for the final generated product that you download, and not the discarded ones, I think it would be more worth it.

Also, the InVideo editing system is super difficult and frustrating to use and the AI does random stuff sometimes (often) when you put in an editing prompt. Like, you might say, "Change the voice to Kevin," and it may or may not do that and it changes the background music to something awful too. Boom. Credits gone for trash outcome. I've found it best to do edits in a separate program.

@oprahsnephew - 13.01.2025 09:40

bro you cracked the affiliated link content game love it

@rogercabo5545 - 17.01.2025 16:27

Would someone explain the plus plan for 20bugs? 50gen and none generative credits..
Does that mean there is no way to create vids instead of images...?
