Why I Quit Selling Young Living Essential Oils | Torey Noora

Why I Quit Selling Young Living Essential Oils | Torey Noora

Torey Noora

2 года назад

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Steven Hickman
Steven Hickman - 21.09.2023 16:53

Just watched your video and have just one question. What is different that you are hearing from the oil community than what you were learning from Young Living?

Rain Spirit
Rain Spirit - 16.09.2023 21:29

I believe in YL oils but not their marketing. There are other high quality companies that are available without the pressured and high price commitment. 💚🪴🌟

anne robinson
anne robinson - 14.09.2023 17:59

Have you found a comparable Frankincense oil to YL's brand?

ashley Noffsinger
ashley Noffsinger - 14.09.2023 02:27

What do you think pura? Otherwise i have used revive loved it.

anne robinson
anne robinson - 09.09.2023 19:31

Fern and Petal is a Canadien company that started in the mid-90"s. I also love Aromatics International, and Stillpoint Aromatics.

thefunkyartist1 - 24.08.2023 23:03

Thank you for your transparency. I joined a non-health related MLM for fundraising purposes. I was doing my research and YL has a terrible comp plan and really questionable business practices.

Deena Haines
Deena Haines - 21.08.2023 01:58

Wow the censorship and the fact that you can’t promote other brands??!!

Kirsten Cooley
Kirsten Cooley - 07.08.2023 08:49

Truthfully, I did join YL and knew very little about it. (Since my adoptive sister got involved with it spread the word to the family unit and thus we all got involved somehow in the business). Recently I’ve been seeing a lot of videos regarding how unhealthy their products are and the fact Young was not ever a doctor. I did have an allergic reaction to one of the oils and when I tried them medically to cure a wart on my foot…there was no difference…the “oil medicine” didn’t work. Also, after learning about how the farms are operated I lost interest and am no longer involved at all in YL and still feel healthy and well. Anyway, that was my experience.

anne robinson
anne robinson - 07.08.2023 00:01

What is your current response to the fact that YL associates say YL is THE BEST compared to others? How can they make that statement?

La Haza
La Haza - 05.08.2023 20:32

It may be "super fun" but it's not going to live up to it's promises without a lot of wishful, cheerful & (sorry, don't mean to offend) delusional thinking involved.

OakLeaf Wellness
OakLeaf Wellness - 01.08.2023 18:04

Appreciate your video. I originally got into Aromatherapy with young living, back in 2018 we just kept sick over and over and a friend told me about Young Living, so I bought the starter kit and fell in love with the oils..but almost immediately this friend started pushing and pushing me to invite my friends for a class, share, share, share. This friend was a silver about to hit gold and it just got too much.

The next year I decided to take classes from Aromahead and eventually became certified. Since then, I have used many brands and young living still ranks high on my list, and I buy it once in a while because I LOVE their diffusers, but I don’t think I could ever push to sell it and I could never commit to only buying EOs from them.

Thank you for keeping an open mind on this, many within the MLM EO community ostracize anyone who speaks against their brand.

Tina Knutsen
Tina Knutsen - 31.07.2023 19:22

I am seeing more people like you stepping forward on YT. I saw a lady do a very similar experience to yours. She worked for DoTerra. (which I personally felt scammed after researching and being misled by their labeling) Her video was very informative. She did so much research. Due to that video I stay away from MLMs.
It isn’t just with essential oils. There was a big thing with Dixie Belle paint company where several stepped forward. I am more cautious what, where and who I spend my hard earned money.
Thank you for sharing your experiences.
I’m going to throw this out there- so many products being made in other countries-the workers get paid so little and to get certain ingredients for these products at a cost that doesn’t benefit their own health: I hope you understand what I mean. But the new movie on child trafficking and a brand says 13% goes to it, so they can boost their sales. I feel the workers are also being taken advantage of. My common sense and my belief for human life isn’t fattening the wallets of greedy people that treat the people below them as bean counters.
I think we can do better.

Nita Fehrenbach
Nita Fehrenbach - 25.07.2023 20:48

Thanks. What are the companies you by from now. Going to retire in 2 years in two year. Can you share with me more on Instant messaging on Facebook I would love to know more of what you were doing thank you

Alina Aron
Alina Aron - 24.07.2023 12:40

Hi, grateful for your video and somehow sorry for your experience.
I would love to hear more about what you have learned with YL that was different from what you have learned with other aromatherapists. I have my guess, but would like to know from you!

With regards to the YL practice, I too am not happy with some of the policies, but I am also aware of the pressure from FDA and other authorities and the risk they take if claims are being made by brand partners and it goes beyond not saying an oil can cure something. It is sad to not be able to share amazing medical properties that have been proven with tests and studies, but I do understand why!

I am really looking to hear from you!
Kind regards,

anne robinson
anne robinson - 11.07.2023 22:40

YL is ridiculously expensive compared to other competitive brands. $100. dollars for Frankincense, c'mon! So much brainwashing that "it's the best", etc. Mannatech is another MLM I've gotten away from. And religion is a big culprit too when they sell salvation. And oddly enough these MLM companies seem to be full of born again Christians. It's creepy. We all have to think for ourselves in the end. Thanks for this video.

Myrna Macalma
Myrna Macalma - 03.07.2023 23:39

No one is being forced I stayed because the products works and also proven by my other office works..expensive yes but quality is there..our health is not cheap anyway..atleast I get back something on what I'm spending for plus a good working quality of oils I am getting..atlest their oils really do work wonders what more do I need?

Rodando usa
Rodando usa - 25.06.2023 02:13

Why did you leave the pyramid,
Hey how you sleep at night, you should be in prison for misleading people and making false claims.

Fernando Guntern
Fernando Guntern - 24.06.2023 15:56

buying a product and get rules to it where you „allowed“ to share says everything! This is Ridiculous and crazy! So happy you left that tribe. the good the oils can be, but this rules just gives a bad taste..

Craig Warner
Craig Warner - 20.06.2023 01:01

Why aren't you just saying because they claimed all kinds of medical nonsense and people actually died because they would be told not to take vital cancer treatment and just use young livings oil instead. Oh and the fact that the founder was a horrible criminal who practiced fake medicine and even killed his own child because he believed he could do a "natural water birth" (since when have humans gone into water to give birth? When was that ever natural and the normal done thing to do in the past?) and thought he knew better than REAL doctors. Oh yeah and actually set up cancer treatment centres in Mexico and America and pretended to be a real doctor and treat dying cancer patients with dangerous substances that actually transformed into cyanide in the body and he went to prison accordingly. And even though he's dead now his crazy wife who supported him through all this despicable behaviour is still running the company and is a billionaire while people who sell the products don't even make anywhere near minimum wage. How about saying all that stuff? And stop trying to pussyfoot around people's feelings who you don't want to jeopardize your relationships with and don't want a controversy because it might affect your cash flow (controversies of this nature can affect whole brands and affect income from your other businesses). Easier and less risky to sweep it under the carpet right and try to maintain.

Sulz S
Sulz S - 28.05.2023 22:50

My friend spent thousands of pounds at educo and now she’s sucked into YL (which was introduced to her by an educo leader) and I’m really concerned and there’s also a “doctor” also affiliated to Educo convincing her she needs to take his advice and medication to make her health better I just feel like she’s totally sucked into some cult. I’ve told her but she sounds brainwashed and I can’t even relate to her anymore

Jerry’s Garden
Jerry’s Garden - 18.05.2023 02:02

Well done, I am certified aromatherapist and using young living rain drop technique as BIG NO NO and as dangerous technique that never should be used in professional setting. (I a tutor) Took me 3 years to qualify in Aromatherapy. I am not saying that their oils are bad, business model is and advice is… it’s like DoTerra and ingesting essential oils - Never Ever unless supervised by clinical aromatherapist. Safety first 🙌🙌 well done keep going.

Regina Rainwater
Regina Rainwater - 09.05.2023 14:15

Love the oils❤ didn't get involved with the business part.

SoCrazyInLove13 - 21.04.2023 00:23

YL wants the commissions to be confusing. It's a shady business doing shady stuff, that's why everyone leaves. Every single person I had under me is gone. I've been with them since 2014 and I'm hanging on by a thread.

Carmen Alejos
Carmen Alejos - 15.04.2023 02:45

IAMWAY MLM System,it's more controlling than that. Please don't fall that kind of business.

Cyn Marks
Cyn Marks - 13.04.2023 17:21

I still like MLM's for the tax benefits.

Lou Thivierge
Lou Thivierge - 13.04.2023 01:19

how do you know if any of it works as far as proof or quality control of the product , vs plants and herbs found in the bible ie cedar frankinsense etc

Natalie - 12.04.2023 22:04

I’m no longer a Brand Partner. I had little support with family/friends, skeptics, etc. I agree with what Torey’s saying and still love Young Living products and use them. I too am looking into aromatherapy schools/herbal medicine schools.

Roberta Fetch
Roberta Fetch - 05.04.2023 04:42

It’s important to do your research. If you had looked further, you’d have found out that the founder of young living, Gary Young, ran several illegal medical clinics (as he had only a high school diploma as his REAL credentials), had several lawsuits, conducted illegal surgeries, and was responsible for “unaliving” his own baby daughter. Young Living has been responsible for many false claims that have led to lawsuits and several injuries due to improper use of their oils. Run far far away!!! If you hear the words “detox” or it sounds like a miracle, it is. They’re using buzz words and fake science (a friend of mine is a kidney surgeon, detoxes are fake and you can detect a scam just by looking for that word). Good luck in your future blogs and healthy living!

Naomi Esperon
Naomi Esperon - 01.04.2023 23:13

Just wondering why people here never tried Aromatics Int’l. For me this company is my 2nd choice for EOs. I dont trust revive. A friend gabe me a Rose roll on & it had stale smell! Mayne the carrier oil they mix with it, no idea bit sorry, I dont trust revive at all. Aromatics is my go to after YL.

Lynda DeBuhr
Lynda DeBuhr - 17.03.2023 19:59

I’ve been a member of YL since 2018- b4 the brand partner thing. I’ve found the brand partnering crippled me. It’s forcing one to do things without a decision that is best for ourselves Both financially & educationally. I’m on the rewards Pgm but I’ve decided to step down from brand partner. Now I get why I’ve felt this way. It’s all about control.
Thank you for helping me understand my struggle. I too still purchase YL products- at my choice vs “you have to do xyz!” Americans love our freedom! Go girl- thank you!

K C - 13.03.2023 19:32

I’m trying to understand how young living blends especially the ones formulated for pets, have been MASSIVELY overlooked. I see so many influencers push YL oils and then follow it by talking about how their pets liver enzymes are high but “it’s ok I’ll just give them some more oils.” Do they not realize that oils like spearmint, tea tree, pretty much the ENTIRE thieves line is comprised of oils toxic to dogs? Are these people that dumb? Of course their enzymes are high, it’s toxic! Ugh it’s so infuriating. I’ve reached out to YL a few times and it’s either been crickets or “we can’t guarantee anything, you should discuss with your vet.”

- 10.03.2023 16:09

Basically why did she quit?

Let’s start a Homestead
Let’s start a Homestead - 08.03.2023 00:39

How do we make sure we are not a brand partner if we still shop young living

Lucy Coppes
Lucy Coppes - 06.03.2023 18:06

Late to the party, but you are just noticing the difference between an oiler/lay culture and the culture of a professional aromatherapist. I started out in YL, have gotten my aromatherapy certification from the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy, hope one day to study with Jade Shutes and I am still with YL although in private practice, I will use oils that YL cannot source. Since there is minimal government regulation of essential oils/aromatherapy in America, you are going to get all sorts of variations in usage and all camps like to go to extremes...either oils are extremely dangerous (because they are like drugs) and only a select group of people should be able to administer/prescribe them because the common people are totally irresponsible and will poison themselves or the opposite view that essential oils are extensions of herbalism, carry no risk (which is not true, but the risk is low) and should be the people's medicine to do with as they see fit and is used like OTC medication. Very few people live in the middle ground. I am a moderate and I openly say both sides have strengths and weaknesses and the bitter infighting over them only confuses the public and hurts the cause.

In this crazy situation that we living in I encourage you to take a broad look at the field as a whole and keep an open mind about this controversial topic. Good luck with your studies! :)

Steven School Alchemy YouTube Channel
Steven School Alchemy YouTube Channel - 06.03.2023 17:21

Greetings!, subscribed. I prepare my own essential oils.

aurora aurora
aurora aurora - 06.03.2023 09:52

Would you be able to let us know how to become certified? Are you taking online training or stationary? I am wondering because I live in a very remote place and I want to become certified aromatherapist but can’t find anything in my town.

Sylvia K
Sylvia K - 07.02.2023 04:19

Quality of oils matters. The knowledge that the founder of young living had is far greater than most any school taught aroma therapist will ever give you. I have been a member since 1998 and know the science and chemistry of the oils. The farming and distillery process is so important to quality of the outcome. Government regulation is the biggest reason there are ground rules to follow therefore there needs to be compliance when you are part of an organization that doesn't want to be shut down by the government for basically one of their "employees " misenforming people. So you really just didn't want to follow guidelines set forth by your employer. Just remember you get what you pay for. Quality sometimes costs more.

Sofia Tarasi
Sofia Tarasi - 06.02.2023 15:35

Well yes, it's a business...so yes it's a pyramid. But is also a family. Don't know how it works there but here in italy we are a big family

En Zetta
En Zetta - 27.01.2023 02:04

I love the product and trust it. I don't sell it. But then I do shop around for quality and how the essential oil is procured from the plant or flower. I also look for 'organic'. You just have to shop around for quality FIRST.

Rebirth of the Cool
Rebirth of the Cool - 11.01.2023 18:32

But yea essential oils don't cure anything, they smell nice and are associated with a feeling that is all. Possibly may clear a stuffy nose.

Rebirth of the Cool
Rebirth of the Cool - 11.01.2023 18:29

Young living is part of Scientology

Youngliving - 06.01.2023 02:54

Friend of my 4 yeas her be a on top team leader The life change It’s no sell. It s team builder share I yes 5years this great product I live it nature heading She make good money I spend $250–150/mo

Irene - 13.12.2022 19:00

It would be better that Young Living freely provided stores with their products. I enjoy their products. I was a member since 1995 and was rudely turned into a brand partner a couple of years ago. Now I cannot say member. A number of terms have been changed in their policies which I have disagreed with. But to enjoy the monthly essential rewards I have to toe the line with their policies because this is the only way I can afford essential oils. I have poor salesmanship in that I let the oils speak for themselves. Of course most people don't listen. I miss the founder Dr. Gary Young of Young Living. So much has changed without him. Anyway Young Living Essential Oils are excellent. There are monetary opportunities as well as touring opportunities to farms around the world, and various convention events.

J M - 09.12.2022 21:43

So, can you share the top 3 affordable Aroma Therapy Schools that you considered? And whether you went through getting certified as a Aromatherapist. Thank you.

Kara Smith
Kara Smith - 24.11.2022 23:13

I’ve never sold them but I have heard all of these “red flags” as well and know multiple people who have sold Young Living and then sold other MLM things not even being oils and they got “fired” from YL. So weird…

Manta Films
Manta Films - 24.11.2022 02:19

So if you were a brand partner for Coke and you started selling Pepsi, you think Coke wouldn't be upset? This is a weird video.

Joanne - 19.11.2022 23:56

I agree wholly to stay away from selling YL. They are highly defensive because they've been under scrutiny. The oils can be good, but there are other brands just as good or better. Aura Cacia can be purchased from your health food store. That is a good brand, as well as others.

Renee Plemmons
Renee Plemmons - 06.11.2022 23:32

I lost my account this year conduct was very rude to me as I am a certified Natural health professional. And I help people find what works for them many came to me saying they didn’t like YL. I use modere and amare and now yea revive and some DoTerra as I am a affiliate with them. YL went as far as telling me to make my page public so they can see what I was doing or invite them into my group. I was like excuse me. Your not my boss of my personal business. So then they took my account away. It’s all good.

Bronwyn Dunn
Bronwyn Dunn - 03.11.2022 01:33

The reason you were censored by Young Living is because the FDA penalizes the company for certain statements. We’d all love to be able to say what health problems oils helped with, but we’re not allowed.
