Get prepared to taste the best Healthy energy bars recipe ready in 10 minutes no oven needed the whole family loves it those sesame bars with honey and different nuts or Greek Pastelli bars this sesame bars recipe is so easy to prepare and is a delicious greek pasteli energy bar to still your hunger and save yous some calories during the day, we hope you enjoy this Greek pastelli recipe a type of nut bars.
Hoy en jocas kitchen ensenamos como hacer barritas energeticas saludables a toda la familial le encantan esas barritas energeticas y saludables sin gluten less van a encantar.
ajonjoli 2 tazasy 1/2
azucar 2 chdas.
sal. una pizca.
almendras 1 taza.
nueces 1 taza.
aceite oliva 1chda.
miel. 1 taza y 1/2
poner a dorar el ajonjoli. unos 5 minutos a fuego medio. no tostar, solo dorar. (reservar)
en otra cacerola miel, azucar, ralladura limon y aceite oliva.
mezcla bien por 5 minutos y deja hervir. retira de el fuego.
en la cacerola de el ajonjoli agrega las almendras, nueces y el sirope hicimos
mezcla bien y asi caliente ponlo en una cacerola o bandeja con papel encerado
moldealo como en el video y dejalo enfriar aprox 40 minutos. y si te gusta mas durito ponlo 2o minutos mas en el refi.
sacar y cortar en tiras o cuadritos.
sugerencia. puedes ponerlos individuales en papel encerado y ponerlo en embase cerrado en el refri. a menos vivas en zonas frias o tu casa esta con aire acondicionado puedes dejarlo fuera. disfruta
English recipe:
sesame 2 cups and 1/2
sugar 2 tbsp.
Salt. a pinch.
almonds 1 cup.
walnuts 1 cup.
olive oil 1 tbsp.
honey. 1 1/2 cups
put the sesame seeds to brown. about 5 minutes over medium heat. do not roast, just brown. (Reserve)
in another saucepan honey, sugar, lemon zest, and olive oil.
mix well for 5 minutes and bring to a boil. remove from heat.
In the saucepan of the sesame, add the almonds, walnuts, and the syrup we made
Mix well and so hot put it in a saucepan or tray with waxed paper
mold it as in the video and let it cool for about 40 minutes. and if you like it harder put it 2 minutes more in the refi.
remove and cut into strips or squares.
suggestion. You can put them individually on waxed paper and put them in a closed container in the fridge. Unless you live in cold areas or your house has air conditioning, you can leave it outside. enjoy
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