Put Honey in Your Prayer & Watch What Happens! (Spiritual Secrets)

Put Honey in Your Prayer & Watch What Happens! (Spiritual Secrets)

Super Secrets

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@أيوبالمريمي-ب5ذ - 20.03.2025 02:45

أسلحتهم من العصر الحجري

@politicalsheepdog - 20.03.2025 02:55

This is sad. This looks a lot like Mexan Citizens who went up against the Cartels with similar weaponry. Totally outgunned by a much better funded enemy.

@sikhanyiselenjingana2213 - 20.03.2025 04:24

I can never understand the government of Nigeria because they know where these boko haram people live and yet they are doing nothing. Why cant they just send the whole army to them ,if the government is really not involve in this boko haram issue

@samoriab5999 - 20.03.2025 04:50

Why wpuñd boko haram fightwrs just sit around in a village and wait for these hunters. Looks like a peacefull village to me...why is she ordering people to break legs???

@GamingChannel-bt3gm - 20.03.2025 05:20

if the hunters got only 3 cartridges and no bullets, how can boko haram have so much? Ask your self how much is the islamic world giving them? All those funding from muslims adding to this problem.

@shesh2265 - 20.03.2025 05:22

USAID was giving millions to Boko Haram to keep Nigeria weak

@MrPaul-N - 20.03.2025 06:23

Nigerians doesn't support or value what they have until they lose it.😢

@bisolara5065 - 20.03.2025 08:54

I am from Western Nigeria and I have read and known about the very brave and courageuos Aisha before now. Its such a pathetic situation in our Country Nigeria,Boko Haram sends chills down my spine ,i actually use to heva panic attacks when i remener the evil theh perpetrate .
May Almighty God continue to keep Aisha and her family safe .

@abdulahadhakim2312 - 20.03.2025 09:21

I truly appreciate her courage, but let's be honest and realistic. When the Nigerian Army and national security forces, despite having automatic weapons and machine guns, have struggled against the Boko Haram insurgency, how can we expect a group of civilians armed with arrows and shotguns to stand against a militant group that poses a global threat? And yet, they have managed to succeed to some extent.

I don’t see the need to create a hero out of Aisha. While reading the comments, I couldn’t find any Nigerians claiming to know her. In a country like Nigeria, making someone famous for something they didn’t do could put their life at risk. In the end, she might have no choice but to seek asylum abroad.

@vvm... - 20.03.2025 16:07

Culture norms on a woman removing Boko Haram honestly it's dumbness

@debadon7987 - 20.03.2025 16:34

Im a Nigerian and this is my first time watching a documentary based on whats going on in the north that means well, also it sheds a different light on whats actually going on for the Nigerians that live else where. Our government has failed so much that it has become the norm for ordinary citizens to put up arms against terrorist with superior weapons. Aisha if you see this trust me when i say you name will go down in the Nigerian history books and stories will be written about you. I pray you live long and witness the results of your courages actions. It will not be better for our leaders and their families

@Pubgfunny70 - 20.03.2025 18:11

They are looking for tattoos in Arabic, while tattoos in Islam are forbidden

@mirrorflame1988 - 20.03.2025 19:45

Courage always shines! Standing up for the right thing always inspires!!

@TheLazyass111 - 20.03.2025 19:46

these folks would have boko haram on the ropes if they had access to even just a fraction of the arms and ammo Americans use just at the range. its crazy to see them using homemade muzzle loaders

@jamiekunta9661 - 20.03.2025 20:49

Boko Haram is funded by USA and more Colonizer Scum

@A1sha.636 - 20.03.2025 20:55

She's called Aisha for a reason

@bubbahope243 - 21.03.2025 00:00

This is a couple of years old bit boring

@AlexthunderGnum - 21.03.2025 01:00

When the Science corrupts, Church takes its place.
When the Church corrupts, the Spirits take its place.
When the Spirits corrupt, the Mother Nature take place.

@kingzempirewild9383 - 21.03.2025 01:55

Look at guns they are using to fight boko haram, local hunter gun.. just 60 people while boko are even up to 10 thousands..

@unitor699industries - 21.03.2025 03:29

they carry muskets from the 1700s

@shansays1991 - 21.03.2025 04:01

Islam is the worst thing that happened to Africa

@chaddixon5725 - 21.03.2025 04:40

Shotguns? This was theater for the cameras. I don't believe it.

@Mx.Dmg1999 - 21.03.2025 09:13

Why isnt Aisha and those brave men and woman getting more media coverage??, Government is non existent, but these people still push on knowing the prospect of death, they still do whatever they can to protect their loved ones

@sumitrashah4398 - 21.03.2025 11:52

Muslims say that Kafirs (non-Muslims) will go to hell after death But the reality is that this community has made the life of other communities and religions hell along with their own present life.Their Jihad and hatred towards other religions has turned many countries into Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan All I want to say is that a country may remain poor but it should not be a haven for Islamic terrorists otherwise life becomes a living hell.

@gleamtarrest6310 - 21.03.2025 14:27

What an awfully poor nation.

@ZMB-101 - 21.03.2025 16:13

Islam religion of peace. Lol

@hdmicord8200 - 21.03.2025 16:54

I need some merchandise with her on it. Maybe even a tattoo.

@heavenlybenson2369 - 21.03.2025 17:44

May God grant you success

@_DeLaCreme - 21.03.2025 18:57

Can this man go and ask the boko harams these questions?

@_DeLaCreme - 21.03.2025 18:59

Nasty bureaucracy. The soldiers from the story are not doing anything but they can speak big English when the vigilantes are helping. Legislative backing, bla bla bla

What is wrong with this country?

@_DeLaCreme - 21.03.2025 18:59

Nasty bureaucracy. The soldiers from the story are not doing anything but they can speak big English when the vigilantes are helping. Legislative backing, bla bla bla

What is wrong with this country?

@spikelee5716 - 21.03.2025 19:17

what in Gods name bs is all this xD

@vielplaysdagames2298 - 21.03.2025 21:13

That gun can not be real a magazine fed revolving shotgun ? How the hell does that even work

@ALHELAL-eu2ue - 21.03.2025 21:58

Western promotion of a gender war in Africa is like poisoning the honeycomb for the poor. Africans must be vigilant. We must also note and remind that women do not lead men in Islam, and Boko Haram is not fundamentally Salafi.

@DH-. - 21.03.2025 22:45

Wolf cola?

@2.4billion - 21.03.2025 23:38

Which state is this happening at, my guess is either kaduna or Kano?

@dime4026 - 22.03.2025 00:14

is Aisha still alive?

@No.One357 - 22.03.2025 00:30

Looks like Baltimore, MD.

@ClownShow-u4x - 22.03.2025 00:31

Leave it to the corrupt government to shame civilians protecting their communities when they can't even form a decent military.

@YeDickrider - 22.03.2025 01:49

she reminds me of Brienne of Tarth from ASOIAF

@youmaythinksowrong - 22.03.2025 02:03

Aisha and all those children. You are so special, Aisha. I wish you health, happiness and safe days through this fight. Take care all of you.

@savage22bolt32 - 22.03.2025 02:15

Thanks for the fascinating and educational video, and a huge thanks for not ruining it with annoying, crappy background music.

@tomrobbins5242 - 22.03.2025 06:35

How dare Nigeria threatened Niger Mali Burkina Faso when terrorists are within their borders. And locals must depend on their own selves.

@themightypotato3857 - 22.03.2025 06:58

if half the village flees for no reason when you're coming, maybe you're not the good guy. lol.

@John-si5vs - 22.03.2025 09:46

God bless Queen Aisha, what a woman, she is amazing.

@presleykauejao4478 - 22.03.2025 10:17

