The Hidden Science of Colourism (2019 event) | Robin Walker | Full Presentation

The Hidden Science of Colourism (2019 event) | Robin Walker | Full Presentation

The Hidden Science Academy

3 года назад

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@GoSuMonSteR - 19.07.2021 17:44

The audience was triggered when you got to disparate punishments, and began to convulse when you got to differences in treatment between dark skinned people and light skinned people in dating/marriage, etc..

@sonora_rey - 26.07.2021 17:30

Audio is very poor...

@cksfixesmadesimple1036 - 05.10.2021 00:14

I'm so glad you are teaching and lecturing

@nesanetlehulum9046 - 26.11.2021 09:10

570 views only, sad, if it was some stupid video it would have had millions if viewers.

@diversidadcultural2186 - 07.03.2022 02:22

Welcome,a reason why all black man has to learn an afrikan language,in Afrika we have learned their language, so if you don't learn an afrikan language you yourself, you are all communicating in Colonial language.
Karibuni jifunzeni kiswahili free your minds.?sisi tunaongea zote..

@diversidadcultural2186 - 07.03.2022 02:25

I speak kamba, Swahili, English and Spanish.. an afrikan mind.. but some go far they speak French Arab too. Never gone to school before...

@ann-mariewilliams7588 - 17.07.2024 12:29

This lecture is AWEsome enlightening(no pun intended) it’s worth listening again. I only wish these lectures could take place in USA and Caribbean, as our black so called higher learning is not pushing this information but more of Greek sorority fraternity agenda onto the workforce and relationships. I was brought up in Jamaica born 2yrs after Independence from UK colonialism and the effects as a child hair pressing, Jaffries crème to straighten hair; clothespin on the nose, I stood in the mirror and figured a way to tuck my lips to make them appear thin; Ambi cream to lighten the skin, don’t put Duhaney Park put Duhaney Heights. This lecture has open the Pandora box of past issues. I am in USA, where colorism is not really a thing but undertone(no pun intended) to Racism live and well. yet, colorism is more damaging to us Moors of the diaspora because the first impression is my appearance. May this organization be blessed and continue the great work of research discerning of heart wisdom knowledge & understanding for a group of people to rise again. Paradigm ‘what a top dey a bottom’

@DonnaSheffield-xw4ti - 17.10.2024 03:01

I love his classes and plan on watching all.of them
