10 Reasons Why Kelowna British Columbia is Not for You

10 Reasons Why Kelowna British Columbia is Not for You

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@RyansChristmasStation - 06.10.2023 05:12

I remember when the fire was still burning in West Kelowna it was very smoky in West Kelowna I could not stand the smoke this is a great video I've grew up in the Okanagan Valley and our summers are getting smoky and hot and very dry long droughts

@livelovekelowna - 06.10.2023 05:38

Thanks for the compliment. We got a big taste of the big smoke here in 2021. Stayed up near the University and the fires raging in the hills was a scary site to behold. We love it here and wouldn’t move, there are certain things that you have to get used to moving from a city like Calgary! 😮

@stephenfermoyle4578 - 07.10.2023 16:30

omg get a life

@scrumtrellecent - 07.10.2023 22:31

while the bridge could benefit from a moving boulevard for opposing traffic during peak hours, i don't think the bridge itself is the issue.
The curvy winding downhill highway/freeway from West Kelowna can be brutal to the uninitiated or nervous drivers of which there are plenty. Drivers panic brake just before the road begins its sharp curve just before the Municipal Hall. The struggle continues during peak hours with the sharp down hill then makes a sharp curve just before the bridge.
When traversing east to west just before the bridge, there is no rhythm to the traffic lights on Harvey causing yet more congestion. Plus the slow curvy road entering the bridge for the uninitiated cause headaches as well.

@ilidiocaralho9197 - 08.10.2023 18:52

You put this out to gatekeep? I have no interest, just what it sounded like to me. Especially after your last comments about smaller town living.

@mumpygumboo8554 - 08.10.2023 22:40

#11: Vapid Consumerism.
Visit Orchard Park Mall and notice how the people resemble the mannequins (or are doing their best to). And, almost everyone just drives everywhere, goes mindlessly shopping as a pass time. Oh, wait -- that's most of Cana-duh now....

Oh well.... might as well go drown our sorrows in various escape mechanisms.
