[명정보기술 소식] 창립 33주년(The 33nd anniversary of the founding of Myung Information Technologies Co.,Ltd)

[명정보기술 소식] 창립 33주년(The 33nd anniversary of the founding of Myung Information Technologies Co.,Ltd)

명 TV (Myung TV) / 명정보기술

54 года назад

1,333 Просмотров

●명 TV 인스타그램(Myung TV instagram)

안녕하세요! 여러분~
명TV, 수블리입니다(^0^)

2023.07.01은 명정보기술 창립 33주년입니다!

33주년을 축하해주세요~!!💛🎈🎈🎈🎈

즐거운 시청 부탁드려요!

구독, 좋아요, 댓글은 큰 힘이 됩니다!

다음영상에서 만나요~

ENG) Hello, everyone. This is Myung TV and Suvely (^0^) ♥

2022.07.01 is the 33nd anniversary of the founding of Myung Information Technologies Co.,Ltd.

Please congratulate us on our 33nd anniversary!

Everyone! Please enjoy watching it!

Subscribe, like, and comments are a big help!
See you in the next video!

[Video Source Support]
🎵Music provided by 브금대통령

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#구독자이벤트 #데이터복구 #이벤트


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