How to Build a Paladin for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3

How to Build a Paladin for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3


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M Key
M Key - 17.09.2023 00:25

I wish they would add the Draconic Heritage changes available to sorcerers to all classes so our Dragonborn can look wicked.

Meeqs B
Meeqs B - 13.09.2023 23:43

Always love the guide but 3 main stats at odd levels for ability points it a bit too jank. Just run 16 str/cha and 14 con, maybe bumping str to 17 if you want to use a certain item in act 1.

Respec's are so cheap you may as well optimize character creation for the early game and really only have an odd point if you have a plan for it

Sorkeror - 13.09.2023 19:59

Suffering is our prayer, faith is our armour, in battle, he offers us redemption!

Ali_ReBORN - 13.09.2023 00:34

One of the best tutorial made for Paladins! Thanks brother! Love my Vengeance Paladin! Entering Act 2 soon and almost level 8 😎 will re-speck soon!

Jack Sand
Jack Sand - 08.09.2023 21:23

I wish I could play Githyanki but there so uglyyyyy

Cláudio Soares
Cláudio Soares - 07.09.2023 12:53

Great video! just a quick question, can i use Half-Elf for Paladin and use this build the same way?

Zr0CooL - 07.09.2023 10:20

is it viable to multiclass into fighter for your last two levels for the action surge?
so you'd be a pally 5, warlock 5, fighter 2?
or do you benefit more from going to 7 in either class? or would a pally 6 warlock 6 be something to consider, as well? aghhhhh damn this game and all it's choices!
Can't wait until I have a more complete understanding of this game! I've always wanted to get into Tabletop D&D but never had the chance, So BG3 is, so far as I can tell, the next best thing! With a decent amount of changes from 5e rules, of course. but it seems like most D&d vets are mostly satisfied with Larian's changes. the exception being, the lack of custom races and not all classes being available. Any D&D vets in the comment section feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, please. Again I'm a total noob to all this. anyways great content brother! keep it up!

Heath Bar63
Heath Bar63 - 05.09.2023 14:11

I’m playing with friends would their decisions affect my oath? (We haven’t started our first play through yet so wanna check before we start)

The one that was here before you :P
The one that was here before you :P - 04.09.2023 23:18

Funny how actually first playthrough I decided to play as Black Dragonborn, Paladin, Oath of Devotion, Folk Hero...Currently Lvl3 this video is nice to come by 25hours in my PS5 haven't finish act and won'tdo it in a while

Max Topliss
Max Topliss - 04.09.2023 20:25

I picked Druid, circle of the moon for my first play through. Level 5 in the underdark - it feels a bit tough at times but I’m still loving it

Ninjor - 04.09.2023 20:21

If I use the gauntlets that give 23 strength, could I sack the strength in my build and put them into something else?
Would Charisma be next best?

Michael derouen
Michael derouen - 04.09.2023 03:28

No idea why people love this class. The mobility of the class is fucking ass.

Levant - 03.09.2023 03:32

Does the oathbreaker aura also buff Spore Druid fungus zombies? I haven't attempted it yet

MADAO - 02.09.2023 23:29

I made a Paladin with noble background with 8 stats on str, dex and con, then dumped the remaining to int, wis then cha. He's an intimidation, persuasion and deception fiend but shid in a fight. Basically a pampered noble guy who's full of shid. Its so funny🤣

Natural Born Patriot
Natural Born Patriot - 02.09.2023 19:13

Very helpful. New to BG, and DnD. Back in the day I really loved Dragon Age (I bought all 3 in a steam bundle and have yet to get back into it, not even installed). I’ve found myself save scumming like crazy with BG3. It’s a game, I paid $60, I’m gonna get the outcomes I want. What was annoying to figure out with Oath of Ancients paladin, you can’t kill specific enemies, even if they attack you. Like I’m Goblin Camp, the two you find after the Owlbear attack them, if you kill them yourself in goblin camp, you break your oath. I had to reload and fight it again so I wouldn’t break it. I was frustrated and called in the ogres, definitely paid them to stay with me. Anyhow, it’s been a lot of fun. I went human fighter at first, got to the under dark and decided to start over. High elf paladin. I don’t really know what I’m doing when it comes to skill checks. This was very helpful, I will definitely be visiting Withers momentarily to respec.

Ekim - 02.09.2023 18:46

Man your voice is the same as Matt Heafy from Trivium 😮

dach829 - 02.09.2023 16:57

In a van down by the river!

Lank the Dank
Lank the Dank - 02.09.2023 04:36

I haven’t got this game yet, my first DND character was a Paladin. Do select which god to worship?

quezcatol - 02.09.2023 01:45

so dext paladin with shield master would be a good tank?

Sproose Moose
Sproose Moose - 01.09.2023 19:13

I see a lot of these build guide videos do the same thing when it comes to ability scores and feats and I have some input if i may
- Alert is what is going to give you initiative on a heavy armor wearing class. 12 DEX does nothing for you since you'll get a 0 bonus to AC from dex in heavy armor. +1 initiative is a complete waste to justify 12 DEX and you'll be going last 9 times out of 10 unless you're pushing 16 DEX at minimum
- 14 CON is more than enough. You could even get by with 12
- You say you want WIS at 10 for no penalties to skill checks however dump INT to -8 despite there being far more INT checks in the game overall. Having a 0 is more or less the same than a -1 in terms of passing a check so you may as well dump WIS to -8 too. The points are better spent elsewhere. Besides, you get an aura that gives you CHA to saves anyway
- 14 CHA is fine, 16 is better because of the aforementioned aura.
- Lean into skills that draw on your main stats or background like you said. Deception/Intimidation/Persuasion, especially for Oath of Vengeance. Leave the Insight and Perception to your Cleric and or Rogue
- There's really only 3 feat choices for Paladins and they're always the same - ASI +2 STR, Savage Attack and GWM. There's an argument to be made for Polearm Master and Sentinel combo if you're so inclined to use polearms
- There's a number of ways to permanently increase your STR in the game and starting with 17 will let you take it to a max of 24 which is huge

Hunter Perry
Hunter Perry - 01.09.2023 16:33

I really really wish they gave race specific ability scores, there is no impact to your race choice and some races that were amazing in 5e are dog shit in baldur's gate like the mountain dwarf (shield dwarf), human, and half elf

Charles Scott
Charles Scott - 01.09.2023 14:16

In 20ish years of playing D&D, Paladin has been the class I never play. Their oath really restricts the "lawful neutral" playstyle I like. Even if they pack a massive punch, I dont think I'll ever this class in BG3 unless I want an Oathbreaker/Necromancer.

Tony Redgrave
Tony Redgrave - 01.09.2023 13:58

I don't know if you knew, I was expecting Larian to fix this but it still seems to be in the game so idk if it's just not known enough or intended. You can apply Vow of Enmity on yourself to give advantage against every enemy. It definitely feels like an oversight or bug of some sort, but it does make vengence incredibly silly to play with.

Rhexsus x
Rhexsus x - 01.09.2023 06:51

Currently playing karlach 4/paladin 8/barb, when I get wyll to level 7 I'm going to do this. I personally find warlock to be an underwhelming class, it's kind of average in both spellcasting and melee, however this adds better damage and support.

beastiebro - 01.09.2023 05:57

Savage Attacker apparently applies to Smites as well but I have not tried this myself

Edit: also I'm still of the opinion that PAM-Sentinel-GWM shenanigans should be primarily used with Fighter characters due to their extra feat at lvl 6 and not multiclass bc missing ASI is brutal and using your only 2 feats for a combo that is currently bugged just isn't worth it (from what I've heard PAM-Sentinel is still not working)

Simoun O'Brien
Simoun O'Brien - 01.09.2023 04:50

My favorite Class :D!!!!!

EverGame Studios
EverGame Studios - 01.09.2023 04:36

at lvl 6 aura of protection, it says you get + on saving throws, but it says +0, so... basically you not really getting any, or is that depends on a specific ability score?

Coelho Vinicius
Coelho Vinicius - 01.09.2023 04:32

you can respec at anytime for pocket change, theres no point having odd points like that, just respec whenever theres a item or feat thats going to change that

sam fox
sam fox - 01.09.2023 01:27

you can still simte in rage

Lens Hunter
Lens Hunter - 31.08.2023 23:44

Rolling a Paladin down down down by the river~~

Stephan - 31.08.2023 23:35

One thing to consider when playing a paladin. Originally you can pick a deity with your paladin, there are dialogue options for it. There is a mod that re unlocks it so you can have those dialogue choices

Stephan - 31.08.2023 23:12

Love the videos and how you go more in depth on things like tenants. Do you think you could go in-depth on the different deities for the clerics and give a little background on the lore

Malgus Kerensky
Malgus Kerensky - 31.08.2023 22:04

Question for single player, will Withers allow you to respec your class, if you broke your oath? I know in multiplayer, currently, you have to re-swear to your oath prior to being able to respec (I hope Larian provides an option around this at some point.).

Malaneth - 31.08.2023 21:58

Massive fucking respect for not covering Warhammer 3 compared to others. You were always the real one.

marshall ristic
marshall ristic - 31.08.2023 21:49

Do rogue next please!

Darin Singleton
Darin Singleton - 31.08.2023 21:37

Question about dialogue encounters & approval:
If you have one of your companions conduct the dialogue .. let's say you choose NOT to run as a Paladin, so your build has low Charisma ..
Obviously, you will need some help with dialogues .. 
.. will your own custom character still get the approval of the other companions, who are currently nearby ?
Or, must your own specific Character conduct the dialogue encounter (& subsequent dice rolls) for their approval?
Apologies if this seems a bit obvious; but there are game mechanics which often seem a bit counterintuitive.

Weston Reed
Weston Reed - 31.08.2023 20:56

If your constipation is at a 13 stop playing paladin and contact a doctor immediately

thefallzversion - 31.08.2023 20:49

Instead of appetizing, try palatable. 😂

Phoenix Soren
Phoenix Soren - 31.08.2023 19:45

Can you channel your oath while wildshaped or otherwise transformed?

Dakota Hoecker
Dakota Hoecker - 31.08.2023 19:33

For the algorithm

Johnny Isometric
Johnny Isometric - 31.08.2023 19:07

The Paladin may be the best two level dip in the game. At least for damage.

Mike - 31.08.2023 18:57

Interestingly, my first playthrough was as an evil Drow Cleric. Sided with Minthara and everything. The second playthrough is now as a Paladin (good/Tiefling).
Thanks for the videos!
[edit] Also, why start with 17 STR and 15 CHA? Is that from your DnD days? In BG3, you're better off going 16/16 and getting that benefit to CHA. At level 4, you'll be at 18/16 anyway, without losing the CHA (persuasion, trading, etc.) benefits early on.

Robert - 31.08.2023 18:35

Please do Druid next.

Travster93 - 31.08.2023 18:18

Did a halfling paladin with my buddies (halfling ranger, halfling bard and human barbarian) and all the romance options and speech checks are fucking hilarious lol.

Charles Bryson
Charles Bryson - 31.08.2023 17:54

Paladin is great and all, but fear Griznold RumpHumper…the mighty gnome monk!

JJ Admoante
JJ Admoante - 31.08.2023 17:49

in 65 hrs in w my pally and i am excited for this 😆

Gannon Patton
Gannon Patton - 31.08.2023 17:37

The breath attack for Dragonborn was recently patched so that it scales with character level, so it's now useful later in the game.
