多型红斑恢复过程|从休息到走出低谷|My Erythema Multiforme Recovery

多型红斑恢复过程|从休息到走出低谷|My Erythema Multiforme Recovery


54 года назад

3 Просмотров



恢复期间,首先当然是“吃”啦!因为嘴里全是溃疡,除了超级软的粥,什么都吃不了。粥里加点蛋白质简直是救星!强推老母鸡慢火熬制的鸡汤煮粥!老母鸡真的拯救了我! 但是牛羊肉就先不要吃啦,红肉容易引发炎症。

其次就是休息!Doctors don't cure patients, patients cure themselves.
1. 很多时候,我们的身体靠自愈来恢复,所以充分的休息特别重要!能睡觉的时候就好好睡觉,睡不着就看看书,
2. 另外特别是Chrissie的能量素视频,温暖又治愈,她的声音特别柔和,学到了很多关于免疫系统的小知识呢!

如果你也和我一样,正在经历或曾经历过免疫系统问题,希望我的视频能让你感觉到你不是一个人❤️ I'm here for you,爱你们哟!❤️

你还可以在这里找到我:小红书: @王燚燚 | 微信: @EliteGuideEducation

Hey everyone!

In today’s video, I’m sharing my recovery journey from erythema multiforme.It was definitely a challenge, but I made it through! 😌

First things first, food! With painful mouth ulcers, I couldn’t eat much besides porridge. I added some protein to it, and slow-cooked chicken broth was a lifesaver I don’t recommend red meat like beef or lamb, as it can make inflammation worse.

And then……REST! Seriously, rest is key. Doctors can guide you, but your body does the real healing. When my condition was at its worst, I had blisters on my feet and couldn’t walk for a whole week. I spent most of my days in bed, either sleeping, reading, cuddling with my pets, or watching comforting videos. Chrissie’s videos about autoimmune health were especially soothing, and I learned so much from her gentle voice and insights.

If you’re going through an autoimmune issue, or have in the past, I hope my story reminds you that you’re not alone ❤️ I'm here for you! Sending lots of love! ❤️

You can also find me here: Xiaohongshu: @王燚燚 | WeChat: @EliteGuideEducation
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