FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 | SPEECH WITH BIG SUBTITLES | Morgan Freeman  Opening Ceremony FIFA Ghanim

FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 | SPEECH WITH BIG SUBTITLES | Morgan Freeman Opening Ceremony FIFA Ghanim

Speech in English

54 года назад

7,693 Просмотров

FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Opening Ceremony Full Speech, Morgan Freeman Great English Speech with Ghanim Al-Muftah, Big Subtitles.
I heard something beautiful, not just music, but also this call to celebration. This is all so new. All that I have known before was a land that seemed to be in turmoil, with families have been forgotten and I stopped hearing your voice.
I remember, even after hearing the call, instead of seeing another way, we dismissed it and demanded our own way. And now, the world feels even more distant and divided. How can so many countries, languages, and cultures come together, if only one way is accepted?
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