Can't Afford a Bug Out Location? Alternatives You Should Consider

Can't Afford a Bug Out Location? Alternatives You Should Consider

City Prepping

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@JOHNRMECH - 21.11.2023 01:44

Likeliest causes of long term collapse:
1) Overdue Carrington event.
2) HAMP/ Thermonuclear exchange.
3) EMP missile.
4) Yellowstone erupting.
5) Dollar collapse and ensuing civil war.
6) WW III (You pick: china, north Korea, Iran, Russia)

@josephhuston7590 - 17.11.2023 04:56

All locations are fair game when shtf.

@shane38002 - 02.11.2023 21:02

The truth is in many areas if not most the wild game and fish population will be next to nonexistent in short order. To be honest in some areas the survivalist root may not be an option except for a very few. All resources will have a downward curve and to me staying in front of that curve and being flexible will be the key for survival. Survival will be much different for me living in the rule Ozarks compared to those living in a large city in the northeast. I also think that a knowledge of entomology is overlooked as a valuable resource that has been used by people from out very creation ...but that's another story.

@user-qb1nz8wr2e - 27.10.2023 13:54

Worse case I bug out to my yard we're my truck is keep closed in fence in area if landlord evicted tents but in most cases if it the end it won't matter

@jimmieblue6262 - 12.10.2023 05:24

After reading a lot of the comments I an totally convinced that everyone is clueless.

@mr.perfect1er933 - 03.10.2023 06:44

When bugging out.

Walk with Jesus Christ

Stay Dangerous

@bryantint1339 - 04.09.2023 12:00

Snohomish County is best. I am in King County.

@davidkelly414 - 16.08.2023 03:20

Very interesting and informative. Thank you . Cheers

@mattalley4330 - 25.06.2023 14:54

A cheap pop-up tent camper could be an option for someone with a limited budget. You can get one for not very much money and spend some time fixing it up and then have a very mobile, relatively comfortable, and easy to keep concealed home on wheels. The operative part, as with the tent CP mentions, is knowing some places to park it where you can be safe and unobserved.

@michelemeredith9575 - 21.06.2023 20:59

Some places in the mountain wilderness

@richardbias9041 - 07.06.2023 19:46

My bug out loc is a business that has its own coal fired power plant and water treatment plant on site. Me and my small army will secure it.

@krysb7119 - 23.05.2023 13:45

If a disaster happens that flip's your world upside down.
The winner's are the one's who have died.

@lonnaknowlton8134 - 09.04.2023 03:07

Know what foods you cant eat due to being poison before eating.

@urbanbugZA - 30.03.2023 10:30

It gives a bit more motivation to get it done right if one watches vids like this. Thanks

@lindaertel7558 - 11.03.2023 23:59

I wish I had s bug out location. I don’t know this area well enough to know where abandoned buildings might be. I am close to a National Forest, but there are bear, mountain lions and wild boar, all of which can be dangerous.

@lostintransit3359 - 10.03.2023 00:42

Personal plan? Well let's just say it involves spending some time up in the mid to higher elevations of the Rocky Mountains, somewhere between Canada and a little south of Colorado. It may seem like a death wish when winter hits, but with a solid tipi tent and a good packable woodstove, I can pretty much deal with most winter conditions. Mind you, I also carry a second shelter option that is just a basic waterproof nylon tarp and my hammock for warmer weather. Both live in my pack in the trunk of my car, because I live out of my car at the moment. Of course I do have the rest of my gear as well, in fact far more than I'll need to carry if I'm being honest. So in a true shtf situation, once I've taken my gear and left my vehicle, anything left in the vehicke I'm leaving as fair fodder for anyone looking to salvage up some things. For example, since it's myself and my wife, we'll be able to carry everything we need between us, figuratively and literally on a pole carried on our shoulder like our Dutch Oven and wood stove, and a few other heavier items as well. Everything else we don't need can be left for others, I'll even leave my car unlocked at that point. I've never had a B.O.B but I did have a separate survival kit that was more for the minor hikes I'd do before I lost my apartment a few years ago thanks to an ex. I've always just had a hiking pack packed with the survival essentials and some creature comfort items ready to go at a moments notice because I've always been a nomad and hate settling in one place for too many years. It really does pay to give up the old job and city lifestyle to be able to just travel and have all the experiences you get when traveling. Pretty soon though, I'll even be giving up my car in hopes of buying perhaps a horse or two and a mule and take to the trails on a more permanent basis until shtf. But until that happens, I'll be somewhere in the Rockies with a hot pot of coffee on the fire and the tea kettle on the stove for anyone who can find me off in the woods. Maybe you'll even get lucky and pop in around dinner and I'll have the Dutch Oven on the coals with a roast in it. Might even bake up a loaf of bread before the roast.

@gwenmangelson - 05.03.2023 06:51

people in the city think they will just head to empty land or to the hills what they forget is that its PRIVATE PROPERTY owned by someone else and its NOT the place you can just go to- it always has irritated me that city people think they can hunt ,, walk or pee anywhere in "the country" they want- how would they like people doing that on their property:?

@tre57production - 31.01.2023 23:23

Great video

@gsx1cx217 - 15.01.2023 22:41

There's a tiny underground butchery from the 1910s off in the middle of nowhere, not insanely far from where I live. The roof is rotted, but the brick building itself is in good shape. Wouldn't take much to fix and live in if I was desperate, and is small enough that it's realistically defensible.

@corleyoutdoors2887 - 28.12.2022 03:50

Informative and beneficial video

@joycecampbell876 - 04.12.2022 18:47

What does a disabled person like me do can't walk I would not be able to live in the woods here

@Arborpress - 24.10.2022 04:46

What do you think about workplaces? I live in Chicago but my workplace is 15 miles away in a suburban area. If SHTF bad enough (worst case scenario) where staying in the city is extremely dangerous I can't afford a getaway cabin but I'm already familiar with a building that I'm more at than home. I would assume that would be the last place any of my coworkers would think of since they'd be staying home with family or elsewhere.

@danjett7719 - 27.09.2022 16:10

if it's not a complete collapse, all you need is a pistol, money, maybe a few camping items and a bicycle. It's no great feat to bicycle 50 miles in one night and that gets you far away from fires, flooding, riots, avalanches, mud slides, RR or boating spills, So what you're actually worried about, but wont admit, is having to kill dozens of people in a collapse and not having the will nor a way to do so.

@deborahdarling1799 - 13.09.2022 11:42

Hi and thank you for sharing your research & knowledge. I have a question I hope you could address. It is, means of transporting your gear on foot to say a wooded area. I have packed my bug out bag and found it weighs as much as I do! Plus I am 70, but a hearty 70.
What would go with me includes my weapons & ammo, very heavy indeed. I have a jeep so I could get to remote areas staying close to water, but after no gas I will have to walk. The means to transport supplies will be very important!
I have thought of the Indian V Conveyance, two poles with a tarp in between. Here is where I hope to pick your brain. You are to this point, how to prepare.
Thank you and keep up the good work!

@johnsavage7507 - 11.09.2022 22:56

When SHTF happens, a land deed means nothing.

@robertevans8126 - 09.09.2022 03:21


@scdrescher1 - 01.09.2022 20:53

Abandoned mines!? Are you on crack? Let alone the presence of the toxic substances often mined or used in the process the lack of maintenance leading to rotten timbers absolutely creates a situation where cave-ins are imminent. Caves are vastly safer yet still incredibly dangerous if you are not an experienced caver. Experienced cavers carry survival equipment to keep them safe from the dangers of the environment and they’re being touted as a safe place to live? Abandoned structures lack maintenance and even in the video it showed structural posts one good push away from collapse. Most people fleeing “civilization” are not ready to set up in the woods or any of the other places mentioned. Foraging is difficult even when done correctly. Uneducated masses will simply decimate a food or water source then, if they survive the week, will move to another area they can over-harvest. Education is important but being active in terms of establishing a community prepared to support itself will go a lot farther than running to a place where you’re not prepared to survive. Take care of your neighbors and figure out what everyone’s strengths are then develop them. Not everyone truly understands what it takes to pull a watch at 0200. Having a community helps.

@foxyroxy392 - 30.08.2022 00:10

Do you have braces?

@Paulstluke - 23.08.2022 23:14

Leah’s stay where you are, unless it becomes critical that you have to leave.

@tedwojtasik8781 - 11.08.2022 19:38

Good news is you can accumulate gear easily as the majority of "preppers" are idiots who rely too much on gear and have not enough knowledge of truly living off grid and in harmony with nature. I have no need to prep as I was taught advanced survival techniques in the USMC and can easily live off the land for extended, or indefinite periods. Knowledge is always more important than gear. Just get whatever gear you need from the countless corpses of dumb preppers which will be just about everywhere as these dopes rely on the survival of the fittest nonsense so it's one group going after the other.

@PaNDaSNiP3R - 10.08.2022 06:06

I built a tree fort in the woods when I was a kid. I’m planning on hanging out there.

@lukeyznaga7627 - 01.07.2022 14:10

Australia' soutback although rough, has plenty of room for bug out people. so, find a way to move out to australia. That wild land in the cent IS OWNED BY NO ONE.

@lukeyznaga7627 - 01.07.2022 14:09

move to Australia now

@lukeyznaga7627 - 01.07.2022 13:58

If you live in a city, don't even try to bug out at that time. You will never get out of the city. Its too late. the time to bug out is BEFORE the disaster happens. Don't travel by car. get a bicycle and attach a small wagon to it and go cross country. Bring som wire cutters so you can cut holes in fences for SHORTCUTS. Or exit the city by rowboat or small boat by any rivers that are nearby or canals.

@uhohemilyy - 16.06.2022 23:54

Did you say Schmores? 👀😂

@garypotter5569 - 13.06.2022 05:29

Cormac McCarthy and the writers of "The Last of Us" were accurate.
When my son was still little he asked me if monsters exist.
Yes I said, they're people.

@jamesgardner9583 - 09.06.2022 21:16

Nothing Here.

@rh5022 - 25.05.2022 09:53

National parks are extremely large
But food and water would be a challenge. You really need a plan

@mattanderson6672 - 20.05.2022 15:28

Thank you

@mullcrumthesage6303 - 19.05.2022 06:36

I know a place near Death Valley California with it's own stable water supply. No one would ever think about going to the desert. I better keep my trap shut.

@mullcrumthesage6303 - 19.05.2022 06:31

Don't go to the mountains...everyone ignorant will be heading up there.

@kevinoshaughnessy3501 - 15.05.2022 23:10

Usually the close enough to get help but far enough away to be out of sight and mind it varies from location or location but it's hard to hit a moving Target but I keep in mind the way to go and deep into the woods as well bushcrafting skills are usually very important I normally go to keep caches you doing a good job keep up the good work and God bless

@samsdad110 - 15.05.2022 13:28

God for bed a bug out situation happens, but the more you learn about world events and the plans made for us by the oligarchs, it’s hard to imagine us not having to face such an emergency.

Problem is, we’re all so soft and unprepared for it. It seems most of us have no idea how thin the veneer of civilization is as it would not take much for people to reveal how much of a savage they are. We got a glimpse of it two years ago during all the riots that were orchestrated but still revealing along with all the looting in cities.

Can you imagine what happens when all of the government checks stop coming to people who depend on them and have allowed themselves to essentially become government slaves. I’m aware since I live close to section 8 housing.

And then if the grid goes down and you have no access to your money and your plumbing doesn’t work.

@headhunter257 - 15.05.2022 06:33

I live in bc Canada water is a zero worrie I'm trading shelter for shelter

@lil_Marie_Red - 14.05.2022 20:47

My hope is if the SHTF. That the banking industry shuts down. So they wont be foreclosing on us bevause our income has stopped. Ex Social Security, VA incomes stop so should foreclosures. We can keep our homes. Look at Ukraine. Homes all bombed up and the woman n children going to the borders. Get your passport handy. Their problem they are having is Visas. They are stuck on the side of the road. Waiting and system is down.

@lil_Marie_Red - 14.05.2022 20:36

My concern is the City Folks. ex. Atlanta. They ll leave the city and evade the Rural Mountain towns and bring damger to the locals and rental cabins. I am not sure on a plan for the folks coming from different areas to the homestead.

@travisgarrett9398 - 13.05.2022 17:24

A church(except for Joel Osteen's) would make a good bug out location.

@prole2554 - 10.05.2022 23:57

Bugging out is NOT an option for me.

@revelationmarkhardy3268 - 08.05.2022 13:34

If your not following the Lord 🙏 Jesus Christ, everything is vain and dead. Only in the Lord is Hope and faith
