CCCX #5 - guest Morgan Quaid

CCCX #5 - guest Morgan Quaid

ComX netAU

3 года назад

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@ymc_jaytv8888 - 10.04.2022 01:42

I have a few questions
1. When and why did you what to make a manga? [Did someone motivate you or did you think it was a good idea out of goodwill?]
2. How long did it take to make certain characters? [Their race, culture etc]
3. How long have you been doing art? [ When did you start drawing or when you learned to draw?]
I aplogize if these questions seems personal I'm just curious.

@alexsanimeart5706 - 10.04.2022 18:47

I kind of want to approach my story the way Mashima is approaching EdensZero right now. Knowing the main plot points that need/have to happen in the story, but be blind on the middle points of it. It's fluid and structured at the same time

@soulroukai2880 - 11.04.2022 20:36

For my series, I want it to make it my manga project full of episodic stories where the main character undergoes a series of adventures. I wonder if having episode stories would count for a manga series. 🤔

If I'm wrong about that, let me know.

@mannydamaytrix7912 - 11.04.2022 23:04

Honestly for years thought you were Whyt lmao

@GigiMurakami - 12.04.2022 23:40

It’s Pap!!!! Also Jey’s curls looking fresh AF 😎

@non-cannon3333 - 16.04.2022 04:56

what are the numbers of people who read on saturday am, cause i can't find any figures.

@menamegregmom - 16.04.2022 20:53

How can you draw like that I need you to teach me please cuz it is impossible to make my own story

@gojibbq - 18.04.2022 06:13

hey! loved this vid. have you considered making any about the publishing process? querying, submissions, how you got your start, etc?

@madcat7491 - 20.04.2022 15:08

Literally came back to ur channel

@hawahawalol91 - 23.04.2022 01:13

I still stuck in outline. Trying so hard to limit the idea because I want to make the short stories yet I keep complicating and add too much details.

@pencilsandstories - 27.04.2022 18:13

Good points! Great video!
With knowing the key points in your story you can also better hint at things, leave secret clues to things but most importantly, you can tie all your story beats together in a meaningful way. Everything is connected. You can sort-of do this when you make things up as they go, but it’s definitely easier when you outline the main key points of your story. I personally don’t write scripts (I work alone) perse but I first outline my entire story. Then when I get to a chapter I will outline the chapter and then I do the same thing for scenes. Just bullet points. Saves me a lot of time. (I used to write my comics as a novel when I was a teen)

@ToySeeker - 15.05.2022 21:00

I Disliked this video.

@logitoonz2246 - 17.05.2022 03:02

your face is too close to the camera

@BurtKocain - 04.06.2022 17:50

You say "long term" and "short term", but I think you mean "long form" and "short form".

@batgirl052009ify - 06.06.2022 02:16

The funniest thing is when creators have things planned but vocal fans sway them. I've seen that ruin series or potentially make them so much better

@bobshagit9503 - 28.06.2022 21:09

good stuff
just starting here have a great idea just gotta draw it out haha

@alongeoladele8257 - 02.07.2022 22:29

Whyt manga my name is Collins I am an artist my age is 11 I love you video and I am from Nigeria Lagos hope you reply

@garoozies914 - 03.07.2022 06:02

“You wanna do 100 chapters but It takes you 4 months to do one chapter?”

Woah why you gotta call me out like that

@komodokisaragi9398 - 14.08.2022 21:51

I'm glad I found this channel it helps a lot to have and inside perspective

@aliens-ih2yy - 28.08.2022 21:34

Thank you so much for making this, i was getting so confused with my own writing, this helped me so much.

@frenci97xp - 24.09.2022 04:54

I think I depends on comic to comic
Especially depending on the genera and length
Tho you should at the very least know what the general outline is

@justinclarke4763 - 01.10.2022 22:23


@BruceSoldier52 - 18.10.2022 16:25

What’s the application do you use?

@SonOfBlad3 - 14.12.2022 01:17



@plasticsoya - 14.01.2023 20:12

I'd advise knowing the first few chapters, important moments, and the ending. That's it.
The story may become more chaotic, which some people don't want their story to be.
But don't over-plan before even starting to make it, if you then decide to change something later down the line as you write, then you may ruin the story you had planned.

@HoldUpDonald - 21.01.2023 11:22

you said that we need to know the story to a certain point but, for example, we know the beginning, the plot twist , maybe the time skip or the arc change, but do we need to know what's inbetween before to start writing it? like what's gonna happen in that chapter/arc or how to express it?

also what brush you're using during the video? i love it

@Santanasendsshotts - 30.01.2023 23:09

Ayeeeee bro I'm BLK and I'm learning everything from u man keep going bro love is love and if u like anime and funny stuff peep rdc

@JaelynsProtectorandBtch - 12.05.2023 17:21

See I know the beginning to the end of my story but I don't know all the stories within, atkeast not yet. Is that supposed to be part of the process of developing my story? The stories in-between the start and the ending developing?

@cage1780 - 14.05.2023 22:32

How do you come up with a title?

@robertf614 - 06.06.2023 20:40

I’m forming my story in my head at the moment, I know how it begins but how it ends is a dilemma. I like the concept of heroic sacrifice when it’s done right but at the same time does a main character HAVE to die or go missing for a story to be good?

@Voicemeover6654 - 23.06.2023 01:09

Do you need to know how to draw

@Willowposting - 24.06.2023 09:53

Just to give some perspective:
Akira Toriyama wrote pretty much the entirety of Dragon Ball (including Z as they aren't separated in the Japanese manga like they are in the anime) essentially winging most things. And he created literally THE most influential manga not just in Japan but worldwide.
So, don't think that just cuz you don't have every little detail planned out that that means you're not ready or good at making stories.

@qh0umi - 22.08.2023 21:10

For me, I made the beginning, but I don't know what to do now. I know the very end, but I don't know the middle and start of the end.

@ericmalikyte885 - 28.08.2023 19:20

The three-act structure is not the best one for long-form storytelling. Obviously, there's four and five-act structure (five-act is often seen in Shakespeare for example), but most Shonen manga does not fit well with 3-act structure. Steve Shives has a GREAT video where he likens long-form storytelling to album structure, i.e. how the songs on a music album are arranged to tell an emotional story. We see this a lot in concept albums in genres like melodic death metal and progressive rock. But this structure can also be applied to some of the most popular manga arcs, like the Saiyan and Frieza sagas in Dragon Ball, and even the opening four volumes in My Hero Academia.

@바보Queen - 01.09.2023 01:47

what about the setting and architecture and the whole city basically... how much of that is designed first before starting or do you just wing it after having an idea?

@rebalblazinghard - 27.02.2024 23:27

I see a lot of peeps who wants to draw manga. But , over here in the states your making "Graphic Novels" .

@zionleach3001 - 13.03.2024 04:20

I'm more of a comic fan, but I have a few questions.
1. How can I interest both comic and manga fans for my comic.
2. How do I advertise or market it to people. Can publishers help? Cause I don't use social media much.

@m1r1cl3o5 - 13.03.2024 07:15

Want to start making manga and I think the one thing I know I don't need to have is the whole story because I know someone like oda only thought of stuff like haki and the admirals only years after starting one piece I think the one thing I'd struggle with is if I ever able to get big with it is money,time,flexibility and stuff like that, ngl out of all the how to start manga videos I've watched this one is one of the most informationa, the one thing I don't want is what oda has is that he has a definitive end which is luffy will get the one piece and be pirate king which can be changed on how he gets it but thing is that he has to get to that point

@artmanstudios7037 - 25.04.2024 14:17

When it comes to creating your own comic, especially if it's your passion project or main focus, it's crucial to understand every aspect of it from start to finish. If it's your baby, your Golden Goose, your main comic, then it deserves your utmost attention. Knowing all the key features and important details about it is essential because it sets the foundation for its success.

However, if you're working on something less serious or part of a series but not the main storyline, like a SpongeBob-type comic, you may not need to delve into every detail from start to finish. The major difference lies in the level of freedom and structure each type of comic offers.

For instance, with a serious comic, you may feel more restricted creatively, but this constraint can also be stimulating. It forces you to think critically and develop coherent storylines, akin to playing a video game with rules you set for yourself. On the other hand, a more cartoonish comic like SpongeBob allows for greater expression and spontaneity.

Understanding your characters is paramount regardless of the comic's tone. Whether it's SpongeBob or a character like Luffy from One Piece, knowing their origins, motivations, and development arc is crucial for consistency throughout the series. Luffy's journey exemplifies this, showcasing his growth and adventures while staying true to his core values.

Ultimately, the key question is: How well do you know your characters, and can you maintain consistency throughout the series? Whether your comic is serious or whimsical, understanding the nuances of storytelling and character development is essential for its success.

@neshiah4747 - 02.06.2024 07:48

Highly informative guide. Thank you 🙏🏼

@rocketmanart7964 - 06.06.2024 03:33

This was instructive and funny.

@kelvinpoetra - 26.06.2024 12:53

Does the screentone on manga or comic images use manual or digital in today's era?

@BakuGrinds - 16.08.2024 02:19

I don't draw but i can write so once i flush everything i want out. Ill collab or hire a manga artist

@WilliamShinal - 16.08.2024 02:25

I'm about to experience directing (along with voicing and editing) a Space Engineers series for the first time, but I already have a storyboard, voice actor list between my bro and I, and the script for our pilot episode.
I'll tell you right now, if you're doing serialized anything, set your concepts up for one chapter or episode at a time if you can. We have a 3 month deadline for all of Fall, so plenty of time to work, and after that, we should be able to iron out problems in our workflow.

@real1kira - 15.09.2024 06:32

why wouldn't you change your freking mic?

@whytmangatv - 03.04.2022 18:06

Do YOU know your story for your projects from start to finish? Help me get to 500k btw!
