How to know what Witch you are | 20 Types of Witches

How to know what Witch you are | 20 Types of Witches

The witches' cookery

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Kit - 21.09.2023 02:56

In 2018, I was dealing with a situation where someone that I was previously involved with was stalking and harassing me. I got scared as anyone would but was afraid to go to the police or even tell anyone about it for many reasons, so I started searching up other people's experiences with abusive relationships and stalking in hopes of learning about a way to make this person's behavior toward me stop. I stumbled across an online forum where someone mentioned a witchcraft spell that is supposed to make people leave you alone. Even though I had been raised a Christian, I was very angry at God because of negative experiences that I had had with people in the church and was openly experimenting with other religions/beliefs. So I decided to try the spell that this person recommended. Nothing good came from any of it. No good came from taking my hand out of God's hand and dabbling in those things. The problems that I was having actually got worse because of the witchcraft and other new age things that I got involved with.

After a number of scary situations and one that even involved my physical health, I finally turned back to Jesus Christ as I should have from the very beginning. There is no hope in witchcraft. Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. Turn to Him to be saved. Whatever you may be going through or worrying about, He is the answer. He will walk with you, love you and provide you with the fulfillment that you seek. ❤️

les stoker
les stoker - 20.09.2023 17:46

iam a self taught kitchen and cottage witch

Mani - 19.09.2023 06:13

Thank you so much for this. Thank you for helping me realize that I am a eclectic art witch - specifically in music and sound.
Music is a BIG part of where I draw my energy from when writing my book or doing tarot readings. Sounds with large crowds def affect me in a negative way.
Now because of this video I feel like I got to know myself a little bit better.
Again. Thank you ❤

Pagan Jaguar Brujeria
Pagan Jaguar Brujeria - 19.09.2023 02:25

Thank you and blessed be. I'm a solitary, sea and gray witch.

Sholto Keet
Sholto Keet - 18.09.2023 21:14

Which witch would you wish if you could be a witch who could wish...

Time_For_A_Change7 - 18.09.2023 08:16

Oh my gosh girl you are truly gorgeous but, not just that you are truly knowledgeable about different types of witches.

Hippie Pisces
Hippie Pisces - 17.09.2023 21:49

StarSeeds come on lets do it


Petty Pandora
Petty Pandora - 16.09.2023 19:23

Im just a witch🖤🌙

Christine Abercrombie
Christine Abercrombie - 13.09.2023 21:02

im not one. but if i was one id assume id be very solitary. not by choice but by force.

Jeanette Martinez
Jeanette Martinez - 11.09.2023 23:21

To be honest I don't use the Term Witch I use the term "Eclectic House Priestess"

Kari Reckord
Kari Reckord - 11.09.2023 20:09

I Am A Brand New Eclectic Witch!Thank You So,Very Much For Your Educational Videos!💯🎯🍁😘🤗

HANNAH LUMERIA - 11.09.2023 14:10

When you think and speaking, your casting whether you like ot or not. So garden your mind, tune your resonance, keep the light on alchemy. Transmute,

I adore your accent

sierraforever29 - 10.09.2023 22:33

I don’t like labels either.❤

Abigail Aaralyn
Abigail Aaralyn - 10.09.2023 20:23

I’m a ghetto witch - I live in the ghetto and am on a budget 😅

BlkWidow Envy
BlkWidow Envy - 09.09.2023 05:51

U r so right about all the labels out there that Witches use. Also I feel all the makeup alot of these Witches put on us not needed. Don't get me wrong they look very beautiful but back n the days I'm sure none of the Witches wore so much makeup but I believe sometimes these Witches get their power feeling sexy, beautiful etc. Just know it's not needed. We r all beautiful woman

Samantha F.
Samantha F. - 07.09.2023 14:52

I‘m a Green and Kitchen Witch❤

Robert Christianson
Robert Christianson - 06.09.2023 16:46

Soooo which witch are you??

Zemmentar of treachery
Zemmentar of treachery - 05.09.2023 20:16

I would call myself a autumn/earth witch I love autumn and I do a lot of magic for the earth and the seasons

Jennifer Balboa
Jennifer Balboa - 05.09.2023 08:56

Like if you’re more of a Stanley cup witch 😂❤

blazej florkiewicz
blazej florkiewicz - 04.09.2023 22:46

im a witcher. so..

Stinky McCheese
Stinky McCheese - 04.09.2023 19:23

Seems like the labels would be more distraction than anything else.

Morbious Le Noir
Morbious Le Noir - 04.09.2023 16:32

I am a witch. Period. There are no labels, nor do I need any. I have no need to pigeon-hole myself, or define myself for others. Frankly, the present drive to create a niche label for everyone reeks of insecurity to me. For whom are you defining yourself? Do you need others to self-identify as you do to feel your path has validity? You are each the only you there ever has been, or ever will be, therefore your path will be equally unique. I'm not certain whether people are labeling themselves to join or to exclude others. When you decide upon a label, does it limit you to certain practices or studies. Can a kitchen witch use ceremonial magic techniques? Can someone trained in the ways of the Golden Dawn use herbal knowledge or knot magic? Spend your time as you will, it's all you really have, but it seems a waste when there's so much to learn and so far to grow.

tiktaalik sock
tiktaalik sock - 03.09.2023 18:22

I’m practicing kitchen/cooking witchery and green witchery (herbs, plants and stuff) and I was wondering if anyone had any good book recommendations to help me practice?

Crystal Felicia
Crystal Felicia - 01.09.2023 23:01

Think I might be an Eclectic witch.

Looni Loo (Lu)
Looni Loo (Lu) - 31.08.2023 17:43

I'm an unlabelled witch. I've always wondered what type of witch I am. So I guess I'd fall under eclectic label. My interests fall into so many areas, that I wondered if I was spreading myself too thin. 😊 How can we be an all well rounded guide to others if we do not know ourselves 🤔 .

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 31.08.2023 16:08

Is a womans physical appearance her most powerful witchcraft tool?

Kathleen Ernst
Kathleen Ernst - 31.08.2023 09:31

How can I send the picture

Kathleen Ernst
Kathleen Ernst - 31.08.2023 09:30

Blue moon

Kitagah - 29.08.2023 13:14

Personally I identify as a health witch, any spells I conduct are to do with helping people feel better. Morning sickness let's try a little something it might help, upset tummy, I have something that could work nothing like "I WILL HEAL YOUR SIGHT FROM BLINDNESS" 😂😂😂

ladiewithstyle - 28.08.2023 23:14

I honestly feel, every woman has a Witch Trait…as they say. Labels…? Confusing.
We are all the growers of life… babies, gardens, homes…etc.
A true definition, is truly welcome…
What if…you sew, no pattern. You grow, garden, save plants, friendships…you coven, family, friends, people in general…we should always be kind to those who need kindness
You’re in an elevator; just naturally know what floor they need…even at restaurants and know what people want; strangers…
Have a good size apothecary, mostly for common medical requirements. I’ve always loved Teas, all kinds…coughing,sleeping, a cold, happiest; whatever is required
Art, drawing and painting.
I can grow most anything
My animals, fear and yet fallow.
There is so much more…I never had to study in school. Was on the B-honor roll.
This is all confusing…had many friends and family call me a Natural Witch…good and bad.🤷‍♀️
My Birthday, funny…October 31st.
I’m not an insecure individual…just curious, very curious ❤

Aria - 27.08.2023 05:34

Its hereditary for me i mostly work with astrology crystals and elements

The Jordan Junction
The Jordan Junction - 26.08.2023 22:48

Good grief,
It's not even Halloween.

Terry Brady
Terry Brady - 26.08.2023 00:17

😂🤣🥹 I’m a sand witch 🫠

Denisa Holasová
Denisa Holasová - 25.08.2023 14:05

I am begginer witch and I am not sure if I am green witch or cotagge witch I like doing both things but I don't know whitch one I should choose

Raika Burfien
Raika Burfien - 25.08.2023 11:38

Ich komme auch aus Deutschland!!! Aber ich kann hier nicht sagen, dass ich eine Hexe bin, weil ich will nicht stigmatisiert werden! I'm from germany too! But I can't say I'm a witch since I'll get stigmatized then.

Eris Lee
Eris Lee - 25.08.2023 06:28

If I were a huffed puff I'd be a grand high but I'm in the ravenclaw house I'm very independent

bam bam
bam bam - 25.08.2023 05:17

Okay so I’m a kitchen witch :)

Culvea Solvere
Culvea Solvere - 24.08.2023 18:27

Which witch is which?

Yo Momma
Yo Momma - 24.08.2023 13:36

I believe all witches originated from pagans. It all fluttered and branched out to so many personal kinds of practices.

3333 Scorpio
3333 Scorpio - 24.08.2023 09:39

Self taught eclectic witch is me. I love the freedom of finding what works for me and my strengths. I love taking care of my family, friends and my dog. I love to learn about plants, how to work with the moon cycles and various crystals. I love how the art of witchcraft is just that a art form. And it makes me think in new and inventive ways. I can figure out solutions to so much through that process. I feel like working with my environment and energy to make my life better is empowering. I love tarot and divination tools such as pendulums and casting charms. I have so much to learn yet tho. And I’m okay with that.

Jeanne Douglas
Jeanne Douglas - 24.08.2023 09:36

Where did the word witch come from?

White Mountain girl
White Mountain girl - 24.08.2023 06:36

Thank you for this video

Kristen Katchadourian
Kristen Katchadourian - 24.08.2023 00:37

Please do a video on urban witch! I live in nyc and would love to learn more how to harness the intense energy here

MentalRebllion - 23.08.2023 00:03

I’m not even sure I label myself a witch but I have realized many of the practices and beliefs I incorporate into my life align very well with what is considered witchcraft practices. I do consider myself spiritual though not religious. Honestly, if I am to take up a witch label at all and specify my type, I likely am eclectic at best. And almost entirely self taught. What parts I am taught come from my father’s teachings that he learned himself from the medicine men of the Native American tribes he befriended in his youth. I incorporate some of the more compatible ones he has shared with me into my life as well as some of the understandings he has also shared. I will not go as far as to say I understand these in their original context, but I believe they hold great value and wisdom and so have adopted them, in as much as I can understand, into my own life and thoughts. Beyond that I incorporate much of what I have learned from my passion and research in anthropology. I have a small altar set aside for the goddesses Maat and Bastet, as I have, since my earliest days, been drawn to these two. I incorporate tea and my art in much of my daily routine, painting with symbolism and intent for the recipient and also using the ritual of brewing teas from leaves to create calm for myself and openness. And I do much else beyond that. I practice a great deal of herbalism and am self taught with tarot cards. I even keep a crystal ball that I will, at times, used during meditation. Meditation with certain incense is also part of my daily routine but especially for when I am most in need of comfort or grounding. Honestly I could go on but, as said, I’m eclectic so trying to convey my understanding when it is properly unique in many ways, a hodgepodge of rituals and traditions, possibly makes it difficult to articulate and be understood. But this video has been of help to me in many ways.

As for why I have been questioning as of late, that is because my nephew asked me if I have magic. I have merely told him, for the time being, that “if I do, I am not aware I am casting it.” I did bring up this conversation I had with my siblings and they all asked me, with absolutely sincerity, “you don’t have magic?” as if it was a forgone conclusion that I did. It has prompted me to research the matter as of late and keep a book on my findings as well as recall what I would do in my youth and still do now. I hope to figure out an answer. Perhaps I won’t find one. Perhaps I will decide actually labeling what I am and do and believe simply is not necessary. It all remains to be seen.

Heather Walden
Heather Walden - 22.08.2023 17:45

I do like practical Greenwich I'd like to try to put those I always think of my age I think I should have started way before this because I'm 53

Catherine Raper
Catherine Raper - 21.08.2023 15:08

When I first started practicing, I was a eclectic witch but I didn’t know what I was doing with my craft. I was getting influenced by what I was seeing online. My craft has changed so much lately so I know longer know where I fit anymore which I’m okay with. 💜

Chris W
Chris W - 21.08.2023 07:22

My mate is white witch says I am powerful witch but never learned the craft as I can sence when bad ppl in a room or something bad gonna happen and bad things did happen time 4 me to leve when get that also if person got injury can find it with hands hover over if gets hot that's were it is then my mate says when touched his protection pendant I drained all power from it says its demonic yet healing hands so confused buy that I wish stuff at times and it happens so not sure were I fit in done spel with paper burning there worked

Rod Rek
Rod Rek - 20.08.2023 07:28

The one that get blame for being a witch 😂

Sonia Burke
Sonia Burke - 18.08.2023 21:03

At 51 I am now believing I am more and more drawn to witch craft, I am so new to all of this but thank you for this post . It makes so much sense to me .thank you .
