Eagle Scout Court of Honor - ECOH

Eagle Scout Court of Honor - ECOH

ScouterStan (Stan Richards)

3 года назад

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@adolfoochoa265 - 13.10.2021 11:30

What inspired me on becoming an Eagle Scout is when i saw my senior patrol leaders mother pinned the Eagle scout medal on him.

@alowatsakima8950 - 02.10.2023 17:55

I always had an "Eagle Nest" on stage made up of adults and scouts that were Eagle Scouts. On one occasion there were four scouts getting their Eagle. I built a fake camp fire. 5 of the adult leaders sat around the fire and took turns telling stories about some of our experience's with these scouts. These campfire experiences were really a big hit. We had everyone laughing. As a volunteer you will have many experiences. Once we were camping, we were discussing the plans for the next day when we heard some "chopping" off in the distance. We walked around the lake and saw one of our scouts using a hatched chopping down a 3" dia tree. The scoutmaster said, "Richard, what are you doing". The scout immediately stopped and raised the hatchet up in the air, and said, 'It isn't my axe".

@blackburd - 08.11.2023 19:36

Very helpful. Thank you.

@audreyedson8539 - 14.07.2024 22:08

This was very helpful! My troop was established in 2020 and I will be the first eagle! As I have never attended an eagle court of honor, it has been hard planning my own.

@connorneuhaus1281 - 04.02.2021 05:19

Since I passed my Board of Review last May and the current circumstances that we are in, I haven’t been able to have an Eagle Court of Honor! But as my brother is already working towards his Eagle, Im planning to wait it out so it will save my parents the stress of planning 1 instead of 2! And I’ll be sure to keep this in mind when planing the ECOH. My question is in terms of regular annual Courts of Honor, how can this be used towards the promotion of scouting?
