In the dry and waterless realm of the desert, the life of Behnaz, a lonely pregnant woman, faces challenges and lonely sufferings. He lives alone in this desert and because of his loneliness and needs, and despaired of finding his mother. But one day, Hakimeh, a young and kind woman who is the second wife of Behnaz's husband, arrives and Behnaz trembles with joy when she sees her. But Behnaz has to face this happiness and happiness and she doesn't know how to deal with it. With the help and support of a good man, Hakime makes Behnaz happy in this lonely desert and a new life begins for her. But when Jacob, a mean and greedy man, enters this realm and argues with the good man, unexpected things happen. Behnaz, seeing this argument and Jacob's attempt to access the good man's money, gets involved and suddenly decides to steal from them and runs away with the good man's money, her life is in danger again and this time she faces more serious consequences.