1950s Gregory Peck -- GREAT Classic Western War Movie Black White Full Length ~ Only The Valiant

1950s Gregory Peck -- GREAT Classic Western War Movie Black White Full Length ~ Only The Valiant


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@WJack97224 - 07.04.2015 08:47

Always like the cigars the fellas light up. Ward Bond was great. Thanks for posting this old video.

@stevengrotte2987 - 07.04.2015 22:06

based on what I have read in Wikipedia about Barbara Payton she was cast better than what she really was, according to Wikipedia.

@stevengrotte2987 - 07.04.2015 22:12

Was Lon Chaney, JR really that big across the shoulders or were they shoulder/ upper body padding?

@chrissiedavis6538 - 26.07.2016 05:35

Peck! Who could be better looking?

@wolf6759 - 16.11.2016 00:10

Only the valiant

@carolsceniak9673 - 26.11.2016 01:28

He had it all,voice and looks.There arn't a lot of class acts around anymore.

@carolsceniak9673 - 26.11.2016 01:42

Thank u for the video!

@saramyshihtzuloveyou1496 - 16.12.2016 03:44

I like watching these old classic my mother got me into them wen i was a child MY BROTHERS AND i USED TO SIT AND LISTEN TO HER COMENTARY ON THE ACTORS, AND WHO THEY MARRIED AND WHAT SHE KNEW OF THEIR LIVES, AND WHEN THEY DIED, SHE IS A dictionary of knowledge on many of these actors and actresses.

I have her over to watch the classics and she enjoys so much seeing movies she never watched yet, she has a video library, of classics that would make even make you jealous, LOL .
She is always shopping around for new ones, she doesn't have a computer and isn't about to see the need for one, she does it the old way, shopping at pawn shops and second hand stores and we also order her new ones on line,

the pawn shops in our comunity are vertual video libraries, as there are no more video stores in our town, and the one that is in the next town, they rent videos but we have to have a master card or visa credit card, in order to rent, I guess too many people rented and didn't return.

@suziewonder9660 - 07.01.2017 08:13

My favorite handsome men back then were Gregory Peck, Cary Grant & Tony Curtis!

@robertlanders4935 - 12.06.2017 06:23

that blonde was a floozy and a real dip.

@mikekemp9877 - 10.10.2017 01:04

what happened to the two cavalry men fighting each other

@lindalee7322 - 14.12.2017 02:54

Thanks for all the details in the description. I watched the ad. I'll catch the movie later.

I added your movie to my movie playlist to hopefully give your channel more exposure.

Merry Christmas 2017.

@pyconsable - 17.01.2018 12:05

Very enjoyable second time around

@malkaringel7864 - 18.01.2018 08:39

Big changes coming for you tube. I ustand little about this technology......it advanced in the blink of an eye n I was left behind! No worries re: your request. My pleasure to help whenever I am able. Thanks....enjoy your uploads (correct term?) n all the 🎥 selections! Keep them coming please!!!! Thanks again.

@malkaringel7864 - 18.01.2018 08:48

I did as Linda, below.

@malkaringel7864 - 18.01.2018 09:04

1 for all 4 1: you are very welcome!

@malkaringel7864 - 18.01.2018 10:14

This 🎥 was very enjoyable.....thanks 😍 😜 💒

@cuibono5092 - 20.01.2018 23:36

In reference to the ads for new un-holywood movies.... "boycott hollywood"

@cuibono5092 - 21.01.2018 00:24

This is a good one.

@davidriley5400 - 16.02.2018 15:36

Great channel! Wish you as much happiness as you have brought others hosting this!

@guytemam1151 - 02.06.2018 21:17

The sad ending of Barbara Payton ... She was arrested for prostitution on Sunset boulevard ... Alcoholic .., Drug addiction !!!
She was 39 years old when she died ...

@ZosoStar - 04.06.2018 09:47

A GREAT Classic Western . I work in the Film and Music Industry, Films and the so called Stars of today don`t compare to the old days. Thanks for making this and others available.

@pollydor07 - 09.01.2019 04:28


@kellyprice5941 - 25.01.2019 04:03

Let us not forget Leanardo Dicaprio definitely the leading man for todays movies he has never made  bad movie.

@midlandredux - 14.02.2019 23:06

Good acting, good war movie, if it had been set during the Civil War or on the Northwest Frontier of India. But, as Western, dumb as a stump. Nothing in the set-up makes any sense. There was never such a fortress in American history and never such a Indian menace. I expect they were trying to re-tell a story about the French Foreign Legion or the British in India and just wanted to sell it as Western.

@johnnyllooddte3415 - 26.02.2019 10:31

i wouldnt marry her for a million bucks.. not 100 million.. shes trouble

@johnnyllooddte3415 - 26.02.2019 11:05

great great great men

@johnnyllooddte3415 - 26.02.2019 11:44

kebushyan was lon chaney..no way..wowwww

@robertphillips3078 - 20.05.2019 06:56

Probably the only one going around these days would be George Clooney..... cant think of anyone else at the moment

@bettyvelazquez8070 - 24.10.2020 00:19

😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘

@debbabbit5823 - 15.12.2020 11:00

I've loved this one for many years. Thank you for showing this.

@billnah6255 - 05.04.2021 06:15

Talk about between a rock and a hard place. To answer your question about leading men. I can’t think of one. Old time values.

@deborrahshiffer9582 - 26.04.2022 05:52

All I can say is that I'm so glad to have found you're channel, really great what you find for us people to watch. I'm still new to the internet this is my 3 rd smartphone & very hard to figure out on your own, no computer or laptop ever ( smartphone is a computer). Again rock on with your bad self.

@goldgeologist5320 - 06.12.2022 06:20

Little or no talent left in Hollywood. Garbage written, all special effects, action and violence for the ,ost part.

@Whatt787 - 01.02.2025 21:37

Great Western, like The Alamo!

@Whatt787 - 01.02.2025 21:38

Colorized version is out

@one4allfour1 - 17.11.2016 19:53

I’m wondering if there are any leading men in movies today who may be comparable to Gregory Peck?
What do you all think? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
